- Lex (dog)
Lex is the only Military Working Dog to be granted early retirement in order to be adopted by family members of its handler.
Work for Marines
Lex was wounded March 21, 2007, during his second tour in
Iraq , in a mortar attack that also killed his USMCcanine handler , Corp. Dustin J. Lee.With the help of an online petition [ [http://retirelex.blogspot.com/ Lex's support] ] created by Lee's family, they and the dog's story were covered nationally in the media, gaining support world wide, and putting pressure on the Marine Corps, but the small Albany base would not budge from its position. Even with shrapnel still lodged near his spine and no expectation of ever being deployed or serving again in combat situations, the Marine Corps ruled him fit for duty. Finally with the help of John C. Burnam, author and former Vietnam War Dog handler, and Congressman
Walter B. Jones ofNorth Carolina , the Marine Corps finally allowed the Lee family to adopt their fallen son's canine partner-just as they had promised the Lee family soon after their son's death. After months of effort, the Corps granted Lex early retirement after eight years of service, formally effected at MCLB Albany Georgia; he was "adopted" on December 21, 2007 by Lee's parents, Jerome and Rachel Lee.The retirement of Lex set a new precedent with K-9's, for handlers, or their families in the event of the handler's death, to have the option of adopting them. [ [http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2007Dec12/0,4670,SlainMarineapossDog,00.html FOXNews.com - Family to Adopt Slain Marine's Dog - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News ] ]
As of 2008, Lex visits VA hospitals to help wounded veterans in their healing process.
Medals and awards
On February 16, 2008, at a ceremony held at the
Air Force Armament Museum , Eglin AFB. TheMilitary Order of the Purple Heart , Chapter #566, presented Lex with a commemorativePurple Heart , for wounds sustained in combat. [http://www.nwfdailynews.com/article/12111]ee also
Bamse (St. Bernard)
*Chips (dog)
*Horrie the Wog Dog
*Judy (ship's dog)
*Just Nuisance
*Rags (dog)
*Sergeant Stubby
*Smoky (dog)
*List of famous dogs
*Military animal
*War dog External links
*Lex receives his commemorative [http://mwdk9support.blogspot.com/ Purple Heart]
* [http://www.militaryworkingdogmemorial.com/ Military Working Dog Memorial]News articles referencing Lex's Retirement and Adoption:
*http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22226183/ MSNBC
*http://www.cnn.com/2007/LIVING/12/13/slainmarine.sdog.ap/index.html?iref=newssearch CNN
*http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8TGB0LO2&show_article=1 BreitBart
*http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/12/13/ap/national/main3613409.shtml CBSReferences
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