- Rotwelsch
Rotwelsch or Gaunersprache is a secret language, a cant or thieves' argot, spoken by covert groups primarily in
Germany ,Switzerland and theLow Countries .Origin and development
Rotwelsch was formerly common among travelling craftspeople and vagrants. The language is built on a strong substratum of German, but contains numerous words from other languages, notably from various German
dialect s, as well as from Yiddish, andRomany language s, notablySinti tikes. There are also significant influences fromJudæo-Latin , the ancientJewish language of theRoman Empire . Rotwelsch has also played a great role in the development of theYeniche language . In form and development, it closely parallels the commercial speech ("shopkeeper language") of German-speaking regions.Vocabulary
Because of its development as a means of conveying information about goods and transactions, Rotwelsch has no terms for
abstraction s. For example, it has no direct translations for theseason s such as spring andautumn . Instead, it uses "Bibberling" (literally, "shivering") and "Hitzling" (literally, "heat") in place of season names.Other vocabulary examples, compared to their German counterparts, include:
* "Schokelmei" = "Kaffee" (coffee)
* "schenigeln" = "arbeiten" (to work)
* "Krauter" = "Chef eines Handwerkbetriebes" (master artisan)
* "Kreuzspinne" = "Weste" (waistcoat)
* "Wolkenschieber" = "Frisör", "Barbier" (barber)
* "Stenz" = "Wanderstock des Handwerksburschen" (walking stick )
* "fechten" = "betteln" (to beg)
* "Platte machen" = "Unterkunft suchen" (to seek lodging)
* "Puhler" = "Polizist" (policeman)A Brief Glossary of Thieves Cant [ Peter Feraru, "Muskel Adolf & Co., Die
Ringvereine and das organisierte Verbrechen in Berlin, pages 217-221]acheln = To Eat. From the Hebrew root a-ch-l (food/eat).
abfaßen = (Lit. "To Write Out") To Arrest.
alle gehn = To Be Arrested, To Vanish into Thin Air.
den Affen kaufen = (Lit. "To Buy the Ape") One Has Gotten drunk.
aufmucken = To revolt against orders.
assern = To testify against someone, to "betray" them.
ackern = (Lit. "To Till or Cultivate") To Go Acquire, To Go Off the Line.
auftalgen = (Lit. "To Grease Up") To Hang, "der Getalgente" is the hanged man.
ballmischpet = Examining Magistrate. From the Hebrew Ba'al Mishpat (Master of Law)
balldowern = To Spy Out, To Make Inquiries About.
der Bau = (Lit. "The Lodge") The Prison or Pentitentiary.
Bauer = (Lit. "Peasant or Farmer) A Stupid Simple Minded Person.
begraben sein = (Lit. "To Be Buried") To Be Hunted for a Long Time.
der Bello = The Prison Toilet.
beramschen = To Swindle Someone.
berappen = (Lit. "To Plaster a Wall") To Pay Up or Fork Over money.
betuke = To Be Discreet or Imperceptable.
die Bim = A Small Bell, Derived From "Bimmel."
bei jom = By Day. From the Hebrew "Yom" (day)
bei leile = By Night. From the Hebrew "Laila" (night)
bleffen = To Threaten Someone, Also "Anbleffen."
Bombe = (Lit. "Bombshell")
Coffee glass.brennen = (Lit. "To Burn") Extortion, but also to collect "The Thieves Portion" with Companions. The Relationship between
Distilling Spirits (or "Branntweinbrennen") and taking a good gulp of the portion (or "Anteil") is Obvious.Current status
Variants of Rotwelsch, sometimes toned-down, can still be heard among travelling craftspeople and
funfair showpeople as well as among vagrants and beggars. Also, in some southwestern and western locales in Germany, where travelling peoples were settled, many Rotwelsch terms have entered the vocabulary of the vernacular, for instance in the municipalities ofSchillingsfürst and Schopfloch.A couple of Rotwelsch words have entered the colloquial language, f. e. "aufmucken", "Bau", "berappen". "Baldowern" or "ausbaldowern" is very common in Berlin dialect; "Bombe" is still used in german prison jargon. TheManisch dialect of the German city ofGießen is still used, although was only spoken fluently by approximately 700-750 people in 1976 [ Hans-Günter Lerch, "Tschü lowi...Das Manische in Giessen", 1976/2005, Reprint Edition, page 22, ISBN 3-89687-485-3] .Rotwelsch in the arts
A variant of Rotwelsch was spoken by some American criminal groups in the 1930s and '40s, and harpist
Zeena Parkins ' 1996 album "Mouth=Maul=Betrayer" made use of spoken Rotwelsch texts. [ [http://allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:qb6xlfhehcqe Proefrock, Stacia; Allmusic.com review of "Mouth=Maul=Betrayer"] ; URL accessed Jan 06, 2007]An example of Rotwelsch is found in Gustav Meyrink's "Der Golem" and reads as follows:"An Bein-del von Ei-sen recht alt.""An Stran-zen net gar a so kalt""Messinung, a' Räucherl und Rohn""und immerrr nurr putz-en----""Und stok-en sich Aufzug und Pfiff""Und schmallern an eisernes G'süff""Juch,-""Und Handschuhkren, Harom net san----"
* Wolf, S.A.: Wörterbuch des Rotwelschen. Deutsche Gaunersprache, 1985/1993, 431 S., ISBN 3-87118-736-4
* Heinz Sobota : Der Minus-Mann, 1978, Verlag Kiepenheuer und WitschExternal links
* [http://www.petermangold.de/default.htm http://www.petermangold.de/default.htm] (in German)
* [http://linguistik.yauh.de/rotwelsch.html http://linguistik.yauh.de/rotwelsch.html] (in German)
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