Basilica Aemilia

Basilica Aemilia

The Basilica Aemilia was a civil basilica in the Roman forum, in Rome, Italy. Today only the plan and some rebuilt elements can be seen. The Basilica was 100 meters (328 ft) long and about 30 meters (98 ft) wide. Along the sides were two orders of 16 arches, and it was accessed through one of three entrances.cite book | last = Mozzati | first = Luca | title = Rome: Computerized Reconstruction of Sites and Monuments | publisher = Mondadori Electa | date = 2001 | location = Milano, Italy | id = ISBN 88-435-7790-5]


Pre-existing building

The new basilica was built on a site where once 5th century BC) were the "tabernae lanienae" ("butcher shops") and later (4th century BC) the "tabernae argentariae", which housed the city's bankers and after a fire were renamed "tabernae novae" ("new shops"). The square had two facing rows of shops. A first basilica had been built behind the "tabernae argentariae" between 210 BC and 195-191 BC, date in which it is mentioned by Plautus. Archaeological studies have shown that this building comprised three naves paved with tuff from Monteverde, the back façade having a portico which opened to the "Forum Piscatorium" and the "Macellum" (the area later occupied by the Forum of Nerva).

The Basilica Fulvia-Aemilia

It was erected in 179 BC by censor Marcus Fulvius Nobilior with the name of Basilica Fulvia. After the latter's death, his colleague Marcus Aemilius Lepidus completed it, and it was frequently restored and redecorated by the members of the Aemilian gens, giving the basilica its current name.

The 78 BC consul, homonymous of the preceding one, embellished it with the "clipei" ("shields"). This intervention is recalled in a coin from 61 BC by his son, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (see images).

According to other scholars, however, the "Basilica Aemilia" formed a different edifice from the "Basilica Fulvia".

The "Basilica Paulli"

A new edifice in substitution of the "Basilica Fulvia" was begun in 55 BC by Lucius Aemilius Paulus Lepidus, and inaugurated by his son in 34 BC. This edifice had similar lines to the preceding one; however with a reduced length and a second nave in lieu of the back portico.

The columns in the central nave, in African marble, had Corinthian capitals and friezes with deeds from the history of Republican Rome. The columns in the second row were in cipolline marble and, finally, the external ones had Ionic capitals.

After a fire, Augustus in 14 BC heavily restored the edifice. In this occasion the "tabernae" which preceded it towards the Forum square and the portico were totally rebuilt. The latter was dedicated to the emperor's two grandsons ("Porticus Gai et Luci"): it had two orders of arcades with pilasters and Doric semi-columns. The two upper floors of the basilica (which, according to some scholars, Who|date=July 2007 were still unfinished at the time) were totally rebuilt. Over the upper order an attic was built, decorated with vegetable elements and statues of barbarians.

The basilica was restored again in AD 22. On its two-hundredth anniversary, the Basilica Aemilia was considered by Pliny to be one of the most beautiful buildings in Rome. It was a place for business and, in the porticus of Gaius and Lucius (the grandsons of Augustus) fronting the Roman Forum, there were the Tabernae Novae ("New Shops").

On the colored marble floor one still can see the green stains of bronze coins that melted when Rome was sacked by Alaric the Visigoth in 410 AD.

Conspicuous remains of the basilica could still be seen in the Renaissance: they were however used for the Giraud-Torlonia Palace (also no longer existing).

Inside, there are several tabernae. The main hall or court is behind the shops.



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