Lucius Caesar

Lucius Caesar

:"For other men named Lucius (Julius) Caesar, see Lucius Julius Caesar"Lucius Julius Caesar (17 BC-2), most commonly known as Lucius Caesar, was the second son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Julia the Elder. He was born with the name Lucius Vipsanius Agrippa, but when he was adopted by his maternal grandfather Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus, his name was changed to Lucius Julius Caesar. In the year of his birth, his maternal grandfather Caesar Augustus adopted him and his brother Gaius Caesar. He and his brother were raised and educated by their grandparents.

As he and Gaius were the heirs to Augustus they had promising legal and military careers. Lucius died in Gaul of an illness in 2 A.D., 18 months before the death of his brother Gaius. Tiberius in turn was adopted as Augustus' son and heir.

ee also

*Agrippa Postumus
*Julio-Claudian family tree

External links

* A statue of Lucius Caesar can be seen at []

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