Jean-Claude Martinez

Jean-Claude Martinez

Jean-Claude Martinez (born 30 July 1945 in Sète, Hérault) is a French politician and Member of the European Parliament for the south-west of France. He is a member of the Front National, and was among the "Non-Inscrit"s until the 2007 formation of the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty Group in the European Parliament. He sits on its Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

Martinez is also a substitute for the Committee on Budgets, a member of the delegation to the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, and a substitute for the delegation for relations with the countries of Central America.

Martinez was part of the "TSM" current inside the FN ("Tout sauf Mégret", Anybody But Mégret) during the 1990s crisis, along with Samuel Maréchal, Marine Le Pen, Roger Holeindre, the Catholic current represented by Bernard Antony and Bruno Gollnisch, and Martine Lehideux Erwan Lecoeur, "Dictionnaire de lextrême-droite", Larousse 2007, pp.263-264 ] .


* Postgraduate teaching qualification in law (1975)
* Course director, ENA (National School of Administration), Morocco (1976-1980)
* Lecturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Paris II (since 1983)
* Deputy Chairman of the National Front
* Member of a regional council (1992-2004)
* Former member of Montpellier Municipal Council
* Member of the National Assembly (1986-1988)
* Member of the European Parliament (since 1989)


* "Demain 2021", with Jean-Pierre Thiollet, Ed. Godefroy de Bouillon, 2004
* "La faucille ou le McDo", Lettres du Monde, 2003
* "La piste américaine", Lettres du Monde, 2002
* "L'Europe folle", Presses bretonnes, 1996
* "La fraude fiscale", "Que sais-je", Presses universitaires de France, 1990
* "L'impôt sur le revenu en question", Litec, 1989
* "Les cent premiers jours de Jean-Marie Le Pen à l'Elysée", Lettre du Monde, 1988
* "Lettre ouvertye aux contribuables", Albin Michel, 1985


External links

* [ European Parliament biography]
* [ Declaration of financial interests] (in French; PDF file)

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