- 1950s in sociology
The following events related to
sociology occurred in the1950s .1950
Theodor Adorno 's "The Authoritarian Personality " is published.
*George Homans 's "The Human Group " is published.
*Thomas Humphrey Marshall 's "Citizenship and Social Class ".
*Richard Titmuss ' "The Problems of Social Policy " is published.
*Thomas Humphrey Marshall launches theBritish Journal of Sociology .1951
Theodor Adorno 's "Minima Moralia " is published.
*Maurice Duverger 's "Political Parties " is published.
*Theodor Geiger 's "Social Mobility within the Danish Middle-Class " is published.
*Rosa Luxemburg 's "The Accumulation of Capital " is published.
*C. Wright Mills ' "" is published.
*Talcott Parsons ' "The Social System " is published.
*Robert C. Angell serves as president of the ASA.
*Society for the Study of Social Problems is founded.
*British Sociological Association is founded byMorris Ginsberg and others1952
Hans Jurgen Eysenck 's "Scientific Study of Personality " is published.
*Melville J. Herskovits 's "" is published.
*Robert E. Park 's "Human Communities " is published.
*Talcott Parsons ' andEdward Shils ' "Towards a general theory of action " is published.
*Alfred Radcliffe-Brown 's "The Structure and Function of Primitive Society " is published.
*Dorothy Swaine Thomas ' "The Salvage " is published.
*Dorothy Swaine Thomas serves as the first woman president of theAmerican Sociological Association .1953
Morris Ginsberg 's "" is published.
*Morris Ginsberg 's "On the Diversity of Morals " is published.
*Alfred Kinsey 's "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female " is published.
*C. Wright Mills ' "Character and Social Structure " is published.
*Ludwig Wittgenstein 's "Philosophical Investigations " is published.
*Max Weber 's "The Sociology of Religion" is published.
*Samuel A. Stouffer serves as president of the ASA.1954
Lewis Coser 's "The Functions of Social Conflict " is published.
*Hans Jurgen Eysenck 's "Psychology of Politics " is published.
*David V. Glass ' "Social Mobility in Britain " is published.
*David V. Glass ' "Trend and Pattern of Fertility in Britain " is published.
*Alvin Ward Gouldner 's "Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy " is published.
*Edmund Leach 's "Political Systems of Highland Burma " is published.
*C. Wright Mills ' "Mass Society and Liberal Education " is published.
*Siegfried Frederick Nadel 's "Nupe Religion " is published.
*Talcott Parsons ' "Essays in Sociological Theory " is published.
*Florian Znaniecki serves as president of theAmerican Sociological Association .
*Thomas Humphrey Marshall becomes Chair of Sociology at the LSE1955
Theodor Adorno 's "Prisms " is published.
*Gordon Allport 's "Becoming " is published.
*Milovan Djilas ' "The New Class " is published.
*Lucien Goldmann 's "The Hidden God; a study of Pascal and Racine " is published.
*George Alexander Kelly's "The Psychology of Personal Constructs " is published.
*Paul Lazarsfeld 's "Personal Influence " is published.
*Herbert Marcuse 's "Eros and Civilization " is published.
*Joan Woodward 's "The Dockworker " is published.
*Barbara Wootton 's "Foundations of Wage Policy " is published.
*Leopold Von Weise retires as chairperson of theGerman Society for Sociology and is succeeded byHelmuth Plessner .1956
Vere Gordon Childe 's "Man Makes Himself " is published.
*Viola Klein 's andAlva Myrdal 's "" is published.
*David Lockwood 's "Some Remarks on "The Social System" " is published.
*Charles Wright Mills 's "The Power Elite " is published.
*Pitirim Sorokin 's "Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology and Related Sciences " is published.
*Otto Stammer 's "Functions in the Party Unit " is published.
*Asher Tropp 's "" is published.
*Max Weber 's "The Soteriology of the Underprivileged " is published.
*November 4 - The use of force by theSoviet union to destroy theHungarian Uprising turns many doctrinalMarxists away from theMarxist-Leninist model.1957
Hans Jurgen Eysenck 's "Dynamics of Anxiety and Hysteria " is published.
*Edward Franklin Frazier 's "Black Bourgeoisie " is published.
*Terrence Morris 's "" is published.
*Stanislaw Ossowski 's "Class Structure in the Social Consciousness " is published.
*Karl Polanyi 's "Trade and Markets in the Early Empires " is published.
*Karl Popper 's "The Poverty of Historicism " is published.
*Alfred Radcliffe-Brown 's "A Natural Science of Society " is published.
*Jean-Paul Sartre 's "The Problem of Method " is published.
*Victor Turner 's "Schism and Continuity in an African Society " is published.
*Karl Wittfogel 's "" is published.
*Michael Young 's andPeter Willmott 's "Family and kinship in East London
*Revised edition ofRobert K. Merton 's "Social Theory and Social Structure " is published.
*Robert K. Merton serves as president of the ASA.1958
Simone De Beauvoir 's "The Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter " is published.
*Georges Gurvitch 's "The Spectrum of Time " is published.
*Fritz Heider 's "The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations " is published.
*David Lockwood 's "" is published.
*Helen Merrell Lynd 's "On Shame and the Search for Identity " is published.
*C. Wright Mills 's "The Causes of World War 3 " is published.
*Gunnar Myrdal 's "Beyond the Welfare State " is published.
*Irene Taeuber 's "The Population of Japan " is published.
*Richard Titmuss ' "Essays on the Welfare State " is published.
*Michael Young 's "" is published.
*the Jewish Journal of Sociology is established in London,Maurice Freedman becomes the first editor.1959
Oliver Cox 's "Foundations of Capitalism " is published.
*Ralf Dahrendorf 's "Class and Class Conflict in an Industrial Society " is published.
*Ernest Gellner 's "Words and Things " is published.
*Erving Goffman 's "Presentation of Self in Everyday Life " is published.
*Morris Janowitz 's "Sociology and the Military Establishment " is published.
*Oscar Lewis ' "Five Families; Mexican Case Studies In The Culture Of Poverty " is published.
*C. Wright Mills 's "The Sociological Imagination " is published.
*Geoffrey Duncan Mitchell 's "" is published.
*Karl Popper 's "The Logic of Scientific Discovery " is published.
*Barbara Wootton 's "Social Science and Social Pathology " is published.
*Kingsley Davis serves as president of ASA.
*Barbara Wootton becomes president of theBritish Sociological Association .
*Helmuth Plessner retires as chairperson of theGerman Society for Sociology and is succeeded byTheodor Adorno Deaths
April 27 :William F. Ogburn
*May 20 :Alfred Schütz
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