company_name = Boom Securities (H.K.) Limited 寶盛證券(香港)有限公司
slogan = Trade locally . Invest globally
company_type = Limited company
foundation = 1997
location =
key_people = Robert J. Eu, Chairman & CEO
industry = Investment services
products = Financial Services
Investment Banking
Investment management
homepage = []

Founded in 1997, BOOM Securities (H.K.) Limited ( _zh. 寶盛證券(香港)有限公司), is a fully licensed Broker / Dealer regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission, Hong Kong and headquartered in Hong Kong.

Being the first company to launch Internet stock trading in Asia/Pacific, BOOM introduced a new pattern of self-directed cross-border investment by applying new technology to traditional equities trading and financial services.

Its mission is to provide retail investors with private, ease, speediness and inexpesnsive international stock trading services.

With BOOM's secured multi-market and multi-currency online trading services, investors can trade equities in all major exchanges via one single account. Currently, it offers access to securities listed in 15 exchanges among 12 markets.

In addition, BOOM also develops trading solutions for other financial institutions.

BOOM is sponsored by some of the leading investment bankers and venture capitalists in the United States including Mr. William Hambrecht, the CEO of WR Hambrecht + Co and the founder of Hambrecht & Quist, which is now owned by J.P. Morgan Chase.

ervice for Banco Nacional Ultramarino clients

BOOM provides share dealing services for Banco Nacional Ultramarino clients. [cite web|url=|title= Banco Nacional Ultramarino Investment Services]

External links

* [ Official site]
* [ Boom Securities (H.K.) Limited, HKSFC]


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