- Social Movement in India
From the early 1970's new forms of social mobilisation began in
India . They gain a variety of names like social movement - people's movement - popular movements etc. reference: chapter 7 ncert class 12 political science India after Independence [http://www.ncert.nic.in/textbooks/testing/Index.htm] These movements emerged and highlighted some of the major issues as gender and environment.One of the leading analyst and participant in social movements in India sanajay sangvi identified the major agendas of them as "Movements of landless, unorganised labour in rural and urban areas, adivasis, dalits, displaced people, peasants, urban poor, small entrepreneurs and unemployed youth took up the issues of livelihood, opportunities, dignity and development."
Most well known movements in the country are Chipko movement, Save Silent Valley, Narmada Bachao Andolen, Koel Karo, Chattisgarh Mukti Morcha,
These movements largely distanced themselves from political parties or tried to cut across the ideologies of the political parties. Yet many of them rooted themselves or draw from ideologies of the Mahatma Gandhi, various shades environmentalisms or gender politics, or socialism .
Some of the popular leaders of such movements are Sunderlal Behuguna, Medha Patkar, Baba Amte [http://www.expressindia.com/news/ie/daily/19991126/ige26014.html] , Vandana Shiva, etc.
articles books
* Politics in India after independence CLASS 12 political science text book chapter VII 2007 NCERT
* The New People’s Movements in India by Sanjay Sangvai 2007 epw
* Social Movements in India: A review of Literature Ganashyam Shaha 2004 SAGE
* Social Movements in India : Poverty, Power, and Politics/edited Raka Ray and Mary Fainsod Katzenstein 2005, Oxford University Press
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