- Ajax (Sophocles)
caption = Ajax preparing for suicide
writer =Sophocles
chorus = Sailors from Salamis
characters =Athena Odysseus
MessengerTeucer Menelaus Agamemnon
mute = Attendants
SoldiersEurysaces Ajax ( _el. Αίας, "Aias") is a play by
Sophocles . The date of its first performance is unknown, but most scholars regard it as early rather than late in Sophocles' career, about 450bce to 430bce (J. Moore, 2). It chronicles the fate of the warrior Ajax after the events of the "Iliad " and theTrojan War . At the onset of the play, Ajax is enraged becauseAchilles ' armor was awarded toOdysseus , rather than him. He vows to kill the Greek leaders who disgraced him. Before he can enact his revenge, though, he is tricked by the goddessAthena into believing that the sheep and cattle that were taken by the Achaeans as spoil are the Greek leaders. He slaughters some of them, and takes the others back to his home to torture, including a ram which he believes to be his main rival, Odysseus.After coming to his senses, he pities himself over his disgrace. His wife
Tecmessa pleads for him not to leave her and her child unprotected. He pretends that he is moved by her speech, and says that he is going out to purify himself and bury the sword given to him byHector . After he has gone, a messenger arrives to say that the seerCalchas has warned that if Ajax leaves his house that day, he will die. His wife and soldiers try to track him down, but are too late. Ajax had indeed buried the sword but left the blade sticking out of the ground. His body is found after having thrown himself on it. Sophocles lets us hear the speech Ajax gives immediately before his suicide (which, unlike most Greek tragedies, is called for to take place onstage), in which he calls for vengeance against the sons of Atreus (Menelaus andAgamemnon ) and the whole Greek army.The last part of the play revolves around the dispute over what to do with Ajax's body. Ajax's half brother
Teucer intends on burying him despite the demands ofMenelaus andAgamemnon that the corpse is not to be buried. Odysseus, although previously Ajax's enemy, steps in and persuades them to allow Ajax a proper funeral by pointing out that even one's enemies deserve respect in death, if they were noble. The play ends with Teucer making arrangements for the burial (which is to take place without Odysseus, out of respect for Ajax).An argument over whether to deny the burial of a disgraced man is the subject of Antigone, another early play by Sophocles.
The Philoctetes Project
The Philoctetes Project dramatizes the interaction of the suffering soldier and the conflicted caregiver with readings from adaptations of this play, and of "Philoctetes". See main entry at
Philoctetes (Sophocles) .Translations
Thomas Francklin , 1759 - verse
* Edward H. Plumptre, 1865 - verse
*Richard C. Jebb , 1904 - prose: [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=soph.+aj.+1 full text]
*Francis Storr , 1912 - verse
* Robert C. Trevelyan, 1919 - verse: [http://classics.mit.edu/Sophocles/ajax.html full text]
* John Moore, 1957 - verseAdaptations
Robert Auletta , 1986 - prose
* Paul Roche, 2001 - prose
* John Tipton, 2008 - metrical form of one English word for every metrical foot in the Greek, which Tipton calls "a counted line." ISBN 9780978746759. [http://www.thenation.com/doc/20080721/wilson The Nation review] accessed 2008-08-31.
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