- Office of Fiscal Service
The Office of Fiscal Service (OFS) is an agency of the United States federal government in the United States Department of the Treasury. The office is led by the Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, currently Kenneth E. Carfine. Assistant Secretary Carfine reports to the United States Secretary of the Treasury through the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance.
Within the Office of Fiscal Service are:
- The Office of Fiscal Operations and Policy
- The Office of Accounting Policy
The Office of Fiscal Service's mission is to develop policy for and operate the financial infrastructure of the Federal government, including payments, collections, cash management, financing, central accounting, and delinquent debt collection. OFS provides policy oversight of the bureaus under it and develops policy on payments, collections, debt financing operations, electronic commerce, government wide accounting, government investment fund management, and other issues. The office also performs two mission critical functions for the Department: it manages the daily cash position of the government and it produces the cash and debt forecasts used to determine the size and timing of the government's financing operations.
The Office represents the Secretary of the Treasury on the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB), Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP), and the Library of Congress and National Archives Trust Fund Boards, is a statutory member of the government wide Chief Financial Officers Council, and serves as liaison to the Federal Reserve System in its capacity as Treasury's fiscal agent)
Under the office are the Financial Management Service and the Bureau of the Public Debt.
Office of Fiscal Operations and Policy
The Office of Fiscal Operations and Policy, led by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fiscal Operations and Policy, oversees the development and implementation of policies relating to the government's cash management, operations, investment and administration of trust funds, payments, collections, and debt collections.
Within the Office of Fiscal Operations and Policy are:
- The Office of Cash and Debt Management, which is responsible for managing the Government's daily cash position. The office also produces the cash and debt forecasts used to determine the size and timing of the government's financing operations.
- The Office of Investment Fund Administration, which oversees the operations of Investment Fund administration, and helps ensure that the entire process is operating effectively and efficiently. The office is responsible for enhancing and supporting the existing authorities or responsibilities of offices currently involved in Investment Fund administration, both within and outside the Department of the Treasury.
Office of Accounting Policy
The Office of Accounting Policy, led by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Accounting Policy, oversees the government wide accounting by providing guidance to the Financial Management Service, the prepares of the Financial Report of the United States Government, in conjunction with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the United States Chief Financial Officer Council. The Office promotes and facilitates efforts to develop and include more useful, reliable and timely financial information in the Financial Report.
External links
Agencies under the United States Department of the Treasury Headquarters: Treasury Building
Secretary of the TreasuryDeputy Secretary
of the TreasuryAlcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau · Community Development Financial Institutions Fund · Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration · Internal Revenue Service · Office of the Comptroller of the Currency · Office of Thrift Supervision · Office of Tax PolicyUnder Secretary
of the Treasury
for International AffairsOffice of East Asia · Office of South and Southeast Asia Nations · Office of Europe & Eurasia · Office of the Western Hemisphere · Office of International Monetary Policy · Office of Banking and Securities · Office of International Debt Policy · Office of Development Policy · Office of Financing Operations · Office of African Nations · Office of the Middle East & North Africa · Office of International Trade · Office of International Investment · Office of Trade Finance · Office of Technical Assistance · Office of Risk & Research Analysis · Exchange Stabilization FundUnder Secretary of
the Treasury for
Domestic FinanceAdvanced Counterfeit Deterrence · Bureau of the Public Debt · Federal Financing Bank · Financial Management Service · Office of Debt Management · Office of Financial Institutions · Office of Financial Markets · Office of Financial Stability · Office of Fiscal ServiceUnder Secretary of
the Treasury for Terrorism
and Financial IntelligenceTreasurer of the United States Categories:- United States Department of the Treasury agencies
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.