

Tali may refer to:


* Tali, a township is a part of Kozhikode, Kerala
* Tali, Finland, a town in Finland
* Tali, Helsinki, a district of Helsinki, Finland
* Tali, Sudan, a town in Sudan
* Taleex, also known as Tali or Taleh, a small town in northeast Somalia.
* the alternate spelling of Dali, a city in China


* Tali (rope) in Malay language
* Tali (school), secular schools with added religious studies in Israel
* Tali (musician), a drum and bass artist
* Knucklebones used for dice in Ancient Rome (see Venus Throw).
* the plural of talus, a bone of the foot that articulates with the tibia and fibula
* Tali is a common female name in Hebrew.
* Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, a character in Mass Effect.

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