

Etendue or étendue is a property of an optical system, which characterizes how "spread out" the light is in area and angle. The étendue can be defined in several equivalent ways. From the source point of view, it is the area of the source times the solid angle the system's entrance pupil subtends as seen from the source. From the system point of view, the étendue is the area of the entrance pupil times the solid angle the source subtends as seen from the pupil. These definitions are for infinitesimally small "elements" of area and solid angle however, and have to be summed over both the source and the diaphragm as shown below.

Etendue is important because it never increases in any optical system. A perfect optical system produces an image with the same étendue as the source. The étendue is related to the Lagrange invariant and the optical invariant, which share the property of never increasing in any real optical system. The radiance of an optical system is equal to the derivative of the radiant flux with respect to the étendue.

The term "étendue" comes from the French word for extent. The French word for the optical property is "étendue géométrique", meaning "geometrical extent". Other names for this property are acceptance, throughput, light-grasp, collecting power, and the AΩ product. "Throughput" and "AΩ product" are especially used in radiometry and radiative transfer.

Detailed definition

Consider a light source Σ and a "receiver" S, both of which are extended surfaces rather than mathematical points, and which are separated by a medium which is perfectly transparent. To obtain the étendue, one must consider the contribution of each point on the surface of the source to the illumination of each point on the receiver.

Several definitions are needed, as shown in the figure:
* dSigma and dS are two infinitely small "surface elements", which can be considered to be tiny flat surfaces tangent to the surfaces of Σ and S, respectively,
* Phi is the radiant flux emitted by Σ and received by S,
* dPhi is the radiant flux emitted by dSigma and received by S,
* d^2Phi is the radiant flux emitted by dSigma and received by dS,
* mathbf{N}_Sigma and mathbf{N}_S are the normal vectors to dSigma and dS,
* alpha_Sigma, and alpha_S, are the respective angles between the propagation direction and mathbf{N}_Sigma and mathbf{N}_S. The propagation direction is along the line joining dSigma and dS.
* dOmega_Sigma, and dOmega_S, are the solid angles subtended by each surface element, as viewed from the centre of the other, and
* d is the distance between the surface elements dSigma and dS.

Naturally, the surface elements are given by: dOmega_Sigma = frac{dS cdot cos{alpha_S{d^2} and dOmega_S = frac{dSigma cdot cos{alpha_Sigma{d^2}.

By definition, the étendue of the pencil of light which "connects" the two surface elements is:d^2G = dSigma cdot cos{alpha_Sigma} cdot dOmega_Sigma = frac{dSigma cdot dS cdot cos{alpha_Sigma} cdot cos{alpha_S{d^2} = dS cdot cos{alpha_S} cdot dOmega_S.

The étendue of the whole system is then:G = int_Sigma int_S d^2G .

One can show that the radiance of the pencil of light that goes from dSigma to dS is given by:L = frac{d^2Phi}{d^2G}.

Refractive index

The conservation of étendue discussed above applies to the case of light propagation in free space, or more generally, in a medium in which the refractive index is constant. In a system with rotational symmetry in which the refractive index changes, the angular spread of an extended source can be decreased by a factor of the square of the relative refractive index. For example, if the surface world is viewed from the bottom of a swimming pool (where the refractive index of water relative to air is about 1.33), the 2pi solid angle of the surface view is compressed into a visual angle of only 1.1pi. For a more generalized definition, the étendue of a system with rotational symmetry can be multiplied by the refractive index squared. This quantity is then conserved even in the case of variable refractive index.

Notes and references

*cite book | first=John E. | last=Greivenkamp | year=2004 | title=Field Guide to Geometrical Optics | publisher=SPIE | others=SPIE Field Guides vol. FG01 | id=ISBN 0-8194-5294-7

Further reading

*Xutao Sun "et al.", 2006, "Etendue analysis and measurement of light source with elliptical reflector", "Displays" (27), 56–61.

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