- Raoellidae
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Indohyus "
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Artiodactyla
subordo =Suina
familia = Raoellidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision =
* "Haqueina "
* "Indohyus "
* "Khirtharia "
* "Kunmunella "
* "Raoella "
* "Metkatius "Previously grouped with
Helohyidae , Raoellidae is now a family in the SuborderSuina . It is found inEocene of South and Southeast Asia.A December 2007 article in [http://www.nature.com Nature] by [http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature06343 Thewissen et al.] using an exceptionally complete skeleton of Indohyus from
Kashmir indicates that raoellids are the "missing link " sister group to whales (Cetacea ). All otherArtiodactyla are "cousins" of these two groups. δO18 values andosteosclerotic bones indicate that theracoon -like Indohyus was habitutually aquatic, but δC13 values suggest that it rarely fed in the water. The authors suggest this documents an intermediate step in the transition back to water completed by the whales.Taxonomy
Raoella "
**"Raoella dograi "
*"Haqueina "
**"Haqueina haquei "
*"Indohyus "
**"Indohyus indirae "
**"Indohyus major "
*"Kunmunella "
**"Kunmunella kalakotensis "
**"Kunmunella transversa "
*"Metkatius "
**"Metkatius kashmiriensis "
*"Khirtharia "
**"Khirtharia aurea "
**"Khirtharia dayi "
**"Khirtharia inflatus "
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