GVK Industries Ltd.

GVK Industries Ltd.

company_name = GVK Industries Ltd.
company_type = Private Conglomerate (BSE)
company_slogan =
foundation =
location = flagicon|IND Hyderabad (HQ)
key_people = G. V. Krishna Reddy (Chairman)
G. V. Sanjay Reddy
num_employees =
industry = Energy

products =
revenue =
homepage = [http://www.gvk.com/ www.gvk.com]

The GVK Group (GVK Industries Ltd.) is an Indian diversified enterprise, a group of companies with a predominant focus on Infrastructure projects (power, roads, airports, ...), and also some activities in Hospitality, Services and Manufacturing sector. [cite web|title = About GVK |publisher = GVK|url=http://www.gvk.com/about-gvk.html|accessdate=2007-12-20]


The GVK had existed as a family business in construction for a long time. [cite web|title = Person to know: GV Krishna Reddy |publisher = The Cyberabad Times|url=http://www.cyberabadtimes.net/2007/01/person-to-know-gv-krishna-reddy.asp|accessdate=2007-01-15]

Business and values


External links

* [http://www.gvk.com/ GVK Group]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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