

Ilam may refer to:

* Ilam, Iran, city, capital of Ilam Province
* Ilam Province, Iran
* Ilam, Nepal, municipality and tea-producing town in Nepal, see list of cities in Nepal
* Ilam District, Nepal
* Ilam, New Zealand is a suburb of Christchurch, New Zealand
* Ilam, Staffordshire is the name of a village in England
* Ilam, Swat, Pakistan
* Ilam a Tamil name for Sri Lanka
* Ilam Park, a National Trust property in Ilam
* ILAM, the International Library of African Music
* ILAM, the Instituto Latinoamericano de Museos

"See also" Elam (disambiguation)

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  • Ilam — ist der Name einer Stadt im Iran, siehe Ilam (Stadt) einer iranischen Provinz, siehe Ilam (Provinz) einer Stadt in Nepal, siehe Ilam (Nepal) eines nepalesischen Distrikts Ilam (Distrikt) Diese Se …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Ilam — es una de las 30 provincias de Irán. Está situada al sureste del país, frontera con Iraq. Su capital es Ilam. * * * ► Prov. de Irán, al pie del monte Zagros, cerca de la frontera con Irak; 19 042 km2 y 382 091 h. Cap., la c. homónima (32 476 h) …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • ilam — is., esk., Ar. iˁlām 1) Bildirme, anlatma 2) huk. Bir davanın mahkemece nasıl bir hükme bağlandığını gösteren resmî belge Birleşik Sözler boşanma ilamı veraset ilamı Atasözü, Deyim ve Birleşik Fiiller ilam almak ilam etmek …   Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük

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