593rd Sustainment Brigade (United States)
- 593rd Sustainment Brigade (United States)
Infobox Military Unit
unit_name= 593rd Sustainment Brigade

caption=593rd Sustainment Brigade shoulder sleeve insignia
dates=May 1, 2007- Present
country=United States
branch=United States Army
type=Sustainment Brigade
role= Sustainment
size= Brigade
command_structure= I Corps, Forces Command (FORSCOM)
garrison=Fort Lewis
motto= Rest Assured
commander1= COL Cynthia Fox
commander1_label= Brigade Commander
commander2= CSM Daniel Verbeke
commander2_label= Command Sergeant Major
notable_commanders=The 593rd Sustainment Brigade is a sustainment brigade of the United States Army.
Having been restructured from a corps support group, the 593rd Sustainment Brigade as part of the transformation of the United States Army, the 593rd was one of the last units to complete its transfer into a sustainment brigade. A ceremonly was held on May 1, 2007 in Al Asad, Iraq, where the unit was stationed, to mark the completion of the unit's transformation. This ceremony featured soldiers donning the unit's new Shoulder Sleeve Insignia designed by members of the unit's staff. Though stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington, the unit completed its transformation while serving in Iraq. It has 3 subordinate battalions: 593rd Special Troops Battalion, 80th Ordnance Battalion, and 57th Transportation Battalion.
Official Website
* [http://www.lewis.army.mil/593csg/index.htm 593rd Sustainment Brigade]
* [http://www.defendamerica.mil/articles/may2007/a050707tj1.html defendamerica.mil News Articles]
* [http://www.tioh.hqda.pentagon.mil/Sustain/593SustainmentBrigade.htm The Institute of Heraldry: 593rd Sustainment Brigade]
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