

Bezprym (986-1032), the firstborn son of King of Poland, Bolesław I Chrobry or Brave and his second wife Judith, daughter of Geza of Hungary. He was the first-born son, but was deprived of the throne of Poland. Around 1003 Boleslaus sent Bezprym to Italy, where he became a monk in one of Saint Romuald's hermitages. In 1031, in alliance with Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor and Rus Grand Prince Yaroslav I the Wise, with Rus and German support he gained the throne. Mieszko II escaped to Bohemia and Bezprym then sent the Polish regalia to the emperor. His reign was short-lived, as Bezprym was murdered in 1032 and Mieszko II returned to the throne of Poland. It is speculated that Bezprym might have begun a movement known as pagan reaction, but only a few historians support this theory.

It is possible that while he was in Hungary he was appointed head of Veszprém and Zala county. In this case the name "Veszprém" originated from his name. Nevertheless, this hypothesis proposed by a Hungarian researcher did not find acceptance among Polish historians.

ee also

* History of Poland (966-1385)

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