

:"St. Evroul" redirects here. For the abbey, see Saint-Evroul-sur-Ouche."

Infobox Saint
name= Saint Ebrulf
feast_day= December 29; August 30 (translation of relics)
venerated_in= Roman Catholic Church,
Eastern Orthodox Church, Western Rite Orthodox communities.

imagesize= 250px
birth_place= Bayeux or Beauvais

Ebrulf ("Evroul, Evroult, Ebrulfus, Ebrulphus") (517—596) was a Frankish saint, hermit, and abbot. He was born at either Bayeux or Beauvais. [Alban Butler, "Butler’s Lives of the Saints" (Liturgical Press, 2000), 230.] A Merovingian courtier at the court of Childebert I, he was a cup-bearer to the king and an administrator of the royal palace. [Alban Butler, "Butler’s Lives of the Saints" (Liturgical Press, 2000), 230.]

It was some time before he was given leave to go from court [Alban Butler, "Butler’s Lives of the Saints" (Liturgical Press, 2000), 230.] , but Ebrulf wished to become a monk so he arranged for his wife to be able to support herself (perhaps by placing her in a nunnery [http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/1229.htm Saints of December 29] ), and entered the abbey of Deux Jumeaux. He became a monk at Bayeux before deciding to become a hermit at Exmes, but at Exmes, crowds came to visit him and ask for his advice, so he settled in the densely-wooded Pays d'Ouche in Normandy. [Alban Butler, "Butler’s Lives of the Saints" (Liturgical Press, 2000), 230.] A legend states that he converted a robber to Christianity when the robber visited the rough settlement that Ebrulf had built near a spring of water, which consisted of a hedge enclosure and wattle and daub huts. The robber warned Ebrulf of the dangers of the forest, but Ebrulf informed him that he feared no one. Repenting of his own sins, the robber brought a gift consisting of three loaves baked in ashes and a honeycomb, and asked to be admitted as a monk. [Alban Butler, "Butler’s Lives of the Saints" (Liturgical Press, 2000), 230.]

This settlement became the abbey of Saint-Evroul. He founded other monastic houses, fifteen in total, all of which placed emphasis on manual labor both as a spiritual and economic exercise. [http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/1229.htm Saints of December 29] Members of the nobility came to Ebrulf offering him money, land, houses to build monasteries. [Alban Butler, "Butler’s Lives of the Saints" (Liturgical Press, 2000), 230.] He founded, after 560, several monasteries in the diocese of Séez; one of them became the important Abbey of St-Martin-de-Séez.


He was venerated in England as a result of the Norman invasion, and the link between Ebrulf and England was maintained by the fact that four abbots from Saint-Evroul Abbey ruled English monasteries in the 11th and 12th centuries. They brought to England some of Ebrulf's relics. [http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/1229.htm Saints of December 29] There was a feast commemorating the translation of his relics is kept at Deeping Abbey in England on August 30. [http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/1229.htm Saints of December 29]

See also



External links

* [http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/1229.htm Saints of December 29: Ebrulf of Ouche]
* [http://orthodoxengland.org.uk/saintse.htm Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome]

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