Simon Goodell Griffin

Simon Goodell Griffin

Simon Goodell Griffin (1824-1902) was an American soldier and legislator, born at Nelson, New Hampshire. He represented his town in the State legislature and was admitted to the bar in 1860. During the Civil War, as colonel of the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, he aided Grant in the siege of Vicksburg and participated in Sherman's Mississippi campaign of 1864. He commanded the Second Brigade, Second Division, in the battle of the Wilderness, and at Spotsylvania was brevetted brigadier general of volunteers in 1864, on the recommendations of Generals Burnside and Grant. For gallantry at the sieges of Petersburg and around Richmond he was brevetted major general of volunteers in 1865. He was elected five times to a seat in the New Hampshire Legislature and served in the last two terms as Speaker.



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