

Chembox new
ImageFile = ethionine.png ImageSize =
IUPACName = 2-Amino-4-ethylsulfanylbutyric acid
OtherNames = S-Ethyl-L-homocysteine
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 13073-35-3
PubChem = 25674

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C6H13NO2S
MolarMass = 163.239 g/mol
Appearance =
Density =
MeltingPt =
BoilingPt =
Solubility =

Section3 = Chembox Hazards
MainHazards =
FlashPt =
Autoignition =

Ethionine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid structurally related to methionine, with an ethyl group in place of the methyl group.

Ethionine is an antimetabolite and methionine antagonist. It prevents amino acid incorporation into proteins and interferes with cellular use of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Because of these pharmacological effects, ethionine is highly toxic and is a potent carcinogen. [cite journal|title=Hypomethylation of DNA in ethionine-fed rats|author=Narayan Shivapurkar, Mary J. Wilson and Lionel A. Poirier |journal=Carcinogensis|volume =5|issue=8|pages=989992|year=1984|doi=10.1093/carcin/5.8.989|pmid=6744518]


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