Summary of Unicode character assignments

Summary of Unicode character assignments


The following table lists all of the blocks currently assigned characters as of April 2007 (Unicode 5.0).Fact|date=August 2008 Blocks are grouped according to their function.
* The first column lists the name of the group.Working backwards:
* The last four columns indicate the boundaries of the blockboth its starting code point and ending code pointin both hexdecimal and decimal notation.
* The prior column (labeed seq for sequence) indicates the order of the block in code point order. This sequence is jusst an ordering based on the current block assignments. As new blocks are assigned or broken down from the existing unassigned blocks, those sequences numbers would change (though the order would remain the same).
* Unalloc'd indicates the number of unallocated code points represented by a potential block.
* Alloc'd indicates the number of code points allocated to the block whether actually provisioned or reserved for potential future use of the block.
* Exxcl and Incl: Some bblocks contain unrelated characters best treated within other categories. In this casse the characters are all tallied in one place in terms of the allocated and reserved characters. The other unrelated characters are subtracted (Excl" ) from the present row and added (Incl"') to another.
* Resrvd indicates the number of characters assigned to the block for related characters, but not yet assigned.
* Provd indicates the characters provisioned in the block: those actually assigned characters (Allocd Excl + Incl Resrvd; = Provd).
* Compat indicates the number of characters in the block considered compatibility characters. The issue of compatibility characters is complicated, however they generally represent characters included for compatibility with legacy text processing systems or legacy character sets. Unicodes separation of glyph from character implies that far fewer characters are required for text processing. The various variant glyphs are instead stored as font data, rather than stored as text data (see Unicode compatibility character section). Compatibility characters are typically ligatures such as ffi or precomposed diacritic letters such as å.
* Core indicates the number of provisioned characters in the block less the discouraged compatibility characters and deprecated (strongly discouraged) characters.

Though the table name unallocated blocks, those blocks could potentially be allocated for any purpose. For example unused code point blocks within the general area of the BMP dedicated to Unihan ideographs could instead be allocated to modern scripts. The names merely indicate the general region of the plane in which they are situated.


Allocd Unallocd Nonchars Potential Code Points
Grand Totals 241,498 + 872,548 + 66 = 1,114,112
Code Points in Unallocated Planes 720,874
Non-Characters (Unallocated Planes) 22 Unicode designates 32 other non-characters in the Arabic Presentation Forms-A block from U+FDD0 to U+FDEF for a total of 66 noncharacters designated so far.
Non-Characters (Planes in Current Use) 12
Non-Characters in BMP Arabic Presentation Forms-A block -32 32
Private Use Allocation 137,468
Surrogates 2,048
93,974 5,356 99,330 2,684 155 155 102,014 151,674
Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd

Modern Scripts

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
A Modern Scripts 17,722 999 18,721 1,454 14 79 20,240 944 (sequences 1-4, 8-55, 99-100, 102-103, 105, 111-112)
1 Arabic Blocks 253 12 265 39 304 0 (sequences 13 & 15)
1.1 Arabic 223 12 235 21 256 13 0600 06FF 1536 1791
1.2 Arabic Supplement 30 30 18 48 15 0750 077F 1872 1919
2 Armenian 85 1 86 10 96 11 0530 058F 1328 1423
3 Balinese 110 11 121 7 128 54 1B00 1B7F 6912 7039
4 Bengali 87 5 92 36 128 20 0980 09FF 2432 2559
5 Bopomofo Blocks 64 0 64 16 80 (sequences 100, 103)
5.1 Bopomofo 40 40 8 48 100 3100 312F 12544 12591
5.2 Bopomofo Extended 24 24 8 32 103 31A0 31BF 12704 12735
6 Buginese 30 30 2 32 52 1A00 1A1F 6656 6687
7 Buhid 20 20 12 32 43 1740 175F 5952 5983
8 Cherokee 85 85 11 96 37 13A0 13FF 5024 5119
9 Coptic Blocks 128 0 128 14 14 128 (sequences 8, 87)
9.1 Coptic 114 114 14 128 87 2C80 2CFF 11392 11519
9.2 Coptic, Greek and 14 14 0 14 0 8 0370 03FF 880 1023
10 Cyrillic Blocks 223 52 275 29 304 (sequences 9-10)
10.1 Cyrillic 203 52 255 1 256 9 0400 04FF 1024 1279
10.2 Cyrillic Supplement 20 20 28 48 10 0500 052F 1280 1327
11 Devanagari 99 11 110 18 128 19 0900 097F 2304 2431
12 Ethiopic Blocks 461 0 461 51 512 (sequences 33, 88)
13.1 Ethiopic 356 356 28 384 35 1200 137F 4608 4991
13.2 Ethiopic Extended 79 79 17 96 90 2D80 2DDF 11648 11743
13.3 Ethiopic Supplement 26 26 6 32 36 1380 139F 4992 5023
14 Georgian Blocks 121 0 121 23 144
14.1 Georgian 83 83 13 96 33 10A0 10FF 4256 4351
14.2 Georgian Supplement 38 38 10 48 88 2D00 2D2F 11520 11567
15 Glagolitic 94 94 2 96 85 2C00 2C5F 11264 11359
16 Greek Blocks 79 267 346 40 14 400 (sequences 33, 88)
16.1 Greek and Coptic 79 34 113 17 14 144 8 0370 03FF 880 1023
16.2 Greek Extended 0 233 233 23 256 60 1F00 1FFF 7936 8191
17 Gujarati 84 84 44 128 22 0A80 0AFF 2688 2815
18 Gurmukhi 72 6 78 50 128 21 0A00 0A7F 2560 2687
19 Hangul Blocks 11,412 0 11,412 28 11,440 (sequences 34, 120)
19.1 Hangul Jamo 240 240 16 256 34 1100 11FF 4352 4607
19.2 Hangul Syllables 11,172 11,172 12 11,184 120 AC00 D7AF 44032 55215
20 Hanunoo 23 23 9 32 42 1720 173F 5920 5951
21 Hebrew 87 87 25 112 12 0590 05FF 1424 1535
22 Japanese Blocks 159 62 221 3 224 (sequences 98-99, 102, 105)
22.1 Katakana 64 32 96 0 96 99 30A0 30FF 12448 12543
22.2 Katakana Phonetic Extensions 16 16 0 16 105 31F0 31FF 12784 12799
22.3 Hiragana 63 30 93 3 96 98 3040 309F 12352 12447
22.4 Kanbun 16 16 0 16 102 3190 319F 12688 12703
23 Kannada 81 5 86 42 128 26 0C80 0CFF 3200 3327
24 Khmer Blocks 144 2 146 14 160 (sequences 45, 51)
24.1 Khmer 112 2 114 14 128 45 1780 17FF 6016 6143
24.2 Khmer Symbols 32 32 0 32 51 19E0 19FF 6624 6655
25 Lao 62 3 65 63 128 30 0E80 0EFF 3712 3839
26 Latin Blocks 268 524 792 247 65 1,104 (sequences 1-4, 59, 86, 115)
26.1 Latin, Basic 95 95 0 33 128 1 0000 007F 0 127
26.2 Latin-1 Supplement 35 61 96 0 32 128 2 0080 00FF 128 255
26.3 Latin Extended Additional 0 246 246 10 256 59 1E00 1EFF 7680 7935
26.4 Latin Extended-A 14 114 128 0 128 3 0100 017F 256 383
26.5 Latin Extended-B 105 103 208 0 208 4 0180 024F 384 591
26.6 Latin Extended-C 17 17 15 32 86 2C60 2C7F 11360 11391
26.7 Latin Extended-D 2 2 222 224 115 A720 A7FF 42784 43007
27 Limbu 66 66 14 80 48 1900 194F 6400 6479
28 Malayalam 75 3 78 50 128 27 0D00 0D7F 3328 3455
29 Mongolian 155 155 21 176 46 1800 18AF 6144 6319
30 Myanmar 77 1 78 82 160 32 1000 109F 4096 4255
31 New Tai Lue 80 80 16 96 50 1980 19DF 6528 6623
32 NKo 59 59 5 64 17 07C0 07FF 1984 2047
33 Ogham 29 29 3 32 39 1680 169F 5760 5791
34 Oriya 76 5 81 47 128 23 0B00 0B7F 2816 2943
35 Phags-pa 56 56 8 64 118 A840 A87F 43072 43135
36 Runic 81 81 15 96 40 16A0 16FF 5792 5887
37 Sinhala 77 4 81 47 128 28 0D80 0DFF 3456 3583
38 Syloti Nagri 44 44 4 48 116 A800 A82F 43008 43055
39 Syriac 77 77 3 80 14 0700 074F 1792 1871
40 Tagalog 20 20 12 32 41 1700 171F 5888 5919
41 Tagbanwa 18 18 14 32 44 1760 177F 5984 6015
42 Tai Le 35 35 13 48 49 1950 197F 6480 6527
43 Tamil 68 4 72 56 128 24 0B80 0BFF 2944 3071
44 Telugu 81 1 82 46 128 25 0C00 0C7F 3072 3199
45 Thaana 50 50 14 64 16 0780 07BF 1920 1983
46 Thai 86 1 87 41 128 29 0E00 0E7F 3584 3711
47 Tibetan 176 19 195 61 256 31 0F00 0FFF 3840 4095
48 Tifinagh 55 55 25 80 89 2D30 2D7F 11568 11647
49 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics 630 630 10 640 38 1400 167F 5120 5759
50 Yi Blocks 1,220 0 1,220 12 1,232 0 (sequences 111 & 112)
50.1 Yi Radicals 55 55 9 64 112 A490 A4CF 42128 42191
50.2 Yi Syllables 1,165 1,165 3 1,168 111 A000 A48F 40960 42127
51 Unallocated Script Blocks 944 (sequences 18, 47, 53, 55)
51.1 256 18 0800 08FF 2048 2303
51.2 80 47 18B0 18FF 6320 6399
51.3 224 53 1A20 1AFF 6688 6911
51.4 384 55 1B80 1CFF 7040 7423

Ancient Scripts

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
B Ancient Scripts 1,783 0 1,783 313 2,096 51,152 (sequences 138-162)
1 Linear B Syllabary 88 88 40 128 138 10000 1007F 65536 65663
2 Linear B Ideograms 123 123 5 128 139 10080 100FF 65664 65791
3 Aegean Numbers 57 57 7 64 140 10100 1013F 65792 65855
4 Ancient Greek Numbers 75 75 5 80 141 10140 1018F 65856 65935
5 Old Italic 35 35 13 48 143 10300 1032F 66304 66351
6 Gothic 27 27 5 32 144 10330 1034F 66352 66383
7 Ugaritic 31 31 1 32 146 10380 1039F 66432 66463
8 Old Persian 50 50 14 64 147 103A0 103DF 66464 66527
9 Deseret 80 80 0 80 149 10400 1044F 66560 66639
10 Shavian 48 48 0 48 150 10450 1047F 66640 66687
11 Osmanya 40 40 8 48 151 10480 104AF 66688 66735
12 Cypriot Syllabary 55 55 9 64 153 10800 1083F 67584 67647
13 Phoenician 27 27 5 32 155 10900 1091F 67840 67871
14 Kharoshthi 65 65 31 96 157 10A00 10A5F 68096 68191
15 Cuneiform 879 879 145 1,024 159 12000 123FF 73728 74751
16 Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation 103 103 25 128 160 12400 1247F 74752 74879
17 Ancient Script Unallocated 51,152 (sequences 7, 58, 64, 131)
17.1 368 142 10190 102FF 65936 66303
17.2 48 145 10350 1037F 66384 66431
17.3 32 148 103E0 103FF 66528 66559
17.4 848 152 104B0 107FF 66736 67583
17.5 192 154 10840 108FF 67648 67839
17.6 224 156 10920 109FF 67872 68095
17.7 5,536 158 10A60 11FFF 68192 73727
17.8 128 161 12480 124FF 74880 75007
17.9 43,776 162 12500 1CFFF 75008 118783


Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
C Phonetic 277 118 395 5 400 0 (sequences 5-6, 56-57, 114)
1 IPA Extensions 96 96 0 96 5 0250 02AF 592 687
2 Phonetic Extensions 67 61 128 0 128 56 1D00 1D7F 7424 7551
3 Phonetic Extensions Supplement 27 37 64 0 64 57 1D80 1DBF 7552 7615
4 Spacing Modifier Letters 60 20 80 0 80 6 02B0 02FF 688 767
5 Modifier Tone Letters 27 27 5 32 114 A700 A71F 42752 42783

Unified Diacritics

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
D Unified Diacritics 152 4 156 67 1 224 0 (sequences 7, 58, 64, 131)
1 Combining Diacritical Marks 107 4 111 0 1 112 7 0300 036F 768 879
2 Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement 13 13 51 64 58 1DC0 1DFF 7616 7679
3 Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols 32 32 16 48 64 20D0 20FF 8400 8447

Unified Punctuation

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
E Unified Punctuation 85 28 113 108 19 240 0 (sequences 61 & 92)
1 General Punctuation 59 28 87 6 19 112 61 2000 206F 8192 8303
2 Supplemental Punctuation 26 26 102 128 92 2E00 2E7F 11776 11903

Unified Symbols

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
F Unified Symbols 2,528 90 2,618 241 18 55 2,896 10,414 (sequences 63, 65-71, 73-84, 91, 95, 97, 109, 167-169, 171)
1 Arrows Blocks 268 6 274 0 18 0 256 0 (sequences 67, 79, 81, 84)
1.1 Arrows 106 6 112 0 112 67 2190 21FF 8592 8703
1.2 Supplemental Arrows-A 16 16 0 16 79 27F0 27FF 10224 10239
1.3 Supplemental Arrows-B 128 128 0 128 81 2900 297F 10496 10623
1.4 Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows 18 18 0 18 0 84 2B00-2B11 11008-11025
2 Braille Patterns 256 256 0 256 80 2800 28FF 10240 10495
3 Control Pictures 39 39 25 64 70 2400 243F 9216 9279
4 Counting Rod Numerals 18 18 14 32 168 1D360 1D37F 119648 119679
5 Currency Symbols 22 22 26 48 63 20A0 20CF 8352 8399
6 Geometrical Symbols 256 0 256 0 256 0 (sequences 73-75)
6.1 Geometric Shapes 96 96 0 96 75 25A0 25FF 9632 9727
6.2 Box Drawing 128 128 0 128 73 2500 257F 9472 9599
6.3 Block Elements 32 32 0 32 74 2580 259F 9600 9631
7 Letterlike Symbols 38 4 42 1 37 80 65 2100 214F 8448 8527
8 Math 632 47 679 9 688 0 (sequences 68, 78, 82-83)
8.1 Mathematical Operators 214 42 256 0 256 68 2200 22FF 8704 8959
8.2 Supplemental Mathematical Operators 251 5 256 0 256 83 2A00 2AFF 10752 11007
8.3 Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A 39 39 9 48 78 27C0 27EF 10176 10223
8.4 Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B 128 128 0 128 82 2980 29FF 10624 10751
9 Miscellaneous Symbols 818 2 820 122 18 960 0 (sequences 69, 76-77, 84)
9.1 Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows 238 238 0 18 256 84 2B00 2BFF 11008 11263
9.2 Miscellaneous Symbols 176 176 80 256 76 2600 26FF 9728 9983
9.3 Miscellaneous Technical 230 2 232 24 256 69 2300 23FF 8960 9215
9.4 Dingbats 174 174 18 192 77 2700 27BF 9984 10175
10 Number Forms 19 31 50 14 64 66 2150 218F 8528 8591
11 Optical Character Recognition 11 11 21 32 71 2440 245F 9280 9311
12 Tai Xuan Jing Symbols 87 87 9 96 167 1D300 1D35F 119552 119647
13 Yijing Hexagram Symbols 64 64 0 64 109 4DC0 4DFF 19904 19967
14 Unallocated Symbol Blocks 48 (sequences 91 & 95)
14.1 32 91 2DE0 2DFF 11744 11775
14.2 16 95 2FE0 2FEF 12256 12271
15 Unallocated Symbol Blocks 10,366 (sequences 169 & 171)
15.1 128 169 1D380 1D3FF 119680 119807
15.2 10,238 171 1D800 1FFFD 120832 131069

Music Notation

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
G Music Notation and Symbols 522 13 535 57 592 176 (sequences 163-166)
1 Byzantine Musical Symbols 246 246 10 256 163 1D000 1D0FF 118784 119039
2 Musical Symbols 206 13 219 37 256 164 1D100 1D1FF 119040 119295
3 Ancient Greek Musical Notation 70 70 10 80 165 1D200 1D24F 119296 119375
4 Unallocated Musical Blocks 176 (sequence 166)
4.1 176 166 1D250 1D2FF 119376 119551

Unihan CJKV Blocks

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
H Unified CJK Blocks 70,426 7 70,433 127 70,560 22,320 (sequences 93, 96, 104, 108, 110, 113-114, 117, 119, 120-121, 172-173)
1 Unified CJK Support Blocks 200 7 207 49 256 0 (sequences 93, 96-97, 104)
1.1 CJK Radicals Supplement 113 2 115 13 128 93 2E80 2EFF 11904 12031
1.2 Ideographic Description Characters 12 12 4 16 96 2FF0 2FFF 12272 12287
1.3 CJK Strokes 16 16 32 48 104 31C0 31EF 12736 12783
1.4 CJK Symbols and Punctuation 59 5 64 0 64 97 3000 303F 12288 12351
2 Unified Han Ideographs 70,226 70,226 78 70,304 0 (sequences 108, 110, 172)
2.1 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A 6,582 6,582 10 6,592 108 3400 4DBF 13312 19903
2.2 CJK Unified Ideographs 20,924 20,924 68 20,992 110 4E00 9FFF 19968 40959
2.3 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B 42,720 42,720 42,720 172 20000 2A6DF 131072 173791
3 Unallocated Unihan 22,320 (sequences 113, 117, 119, 121, 173)
3.1 20,768 173 2A6E0 2F7FF 173792 194559
3.2 560 113 A4D0 A6FF 42192 42751
3.3 16 117 A830 A83F 43056 43071
3.4 896 119 A880 ABFF 43136 44031
3.5 80 121 D7B0 D7FF 55216 55295

Legacy Compatibility Blocks

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
I Legacy Compatibility Blocks 41 3,058 3,099 244 0 1 3,344 1,502 (sequences 62, 72, 94, 101, 106-107, 126-128, 130, 132-135, 170, 174)
1 Enclosed Alphanumerics 21 139 160 0 160 72 2460 24FF 9312 9471
2 Superscripts and Subscripts 0 34 34 14 48 62 2070 209F 8304 8351
3 Alphabetic Presentation Forms 1 57 58 22 80 127 FB00 FB4F 64256 64335
4 Arabic Compatibility 4 731 735 96 1 832
4.1 Arabic Presentation Forms-A 3 592 595 93 688 128 FB50 FDFF 64336 65023
4.2 Arabic Presentation Forms-B 1 139 140 3 1 144 134 FE70 FEFF 65136 65279
5 CJK and Ideograph Compatibility 15 2,093 2,108 100 2,208
5.1 KangXi Radicals 0 214 214 10 224 94 2F00 2FDF 12032 12255
5.2 Hangul Compatibility Jamo 0 94 94 2 96 101 3130 318F 12592 12687
5.3 CJK Compatibility 0 256 256 0 256 107 3300 33FF 13056 13311
5.4 CJK Compatibility Ideographs 12 455 467 45 512 126 F900 FAFF 63744 64255
5.5 Vertical Forms 0 10 10 6 16 130 FE10 FE1F 65040 65055
5.6 CJK Compatibility Forms 2 30 32 0 32 132 FE30 FE4F 65072 65103
5.7 Small Form Variants 0 26 26 6 32 133 FE50 FE6F 65104 65135
5.8 Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms 0 225 225 15 240 135 FF00 FFEF 65280 65519
5.9 CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement 0 542 542 2 544 174 2F800 2FA1F 194560 195103
5.10 Enclosed CJK Letters and Months 1 241 242 14 256 106 3200 32FF 12800 13055
6 Combining Half Marks 0 4 4 12 16 131 FE20 FE2F 65056 65071
7 Unallocated Compatibility Blocks 1,502
7.1 1,502 175 2FA20 2FFFD 195104 196605

Other Compatibility Blocks

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
J Other Compatibility Blocks 0 1,033 1,033 28 37 0 1,024 0 (sequences 65 & 170)
1 Letterlike Symbols 0 37 37 0 37 0 65 2100 214F 8448 8527
2 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols 0 996 996 28 1,024 170 1D400 1D7FF 119808 120831

Special-purpose characters

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
K Control Characters 438 6 444 40 86 0 396 65,166 (sequences 1-2, 7, 61, 134, 136, 129, 177, 178)
1 ASCII/8099-1 Controls 65 0 65 0 65 0 0 0 (sequences 1 & 2)
1.1 C0 (Latin, Basic) 33 33 33 0 1 0001 001F & 007F 1 31 & 79
1.2 C1 (Latin-1 Supplement) 32 32 32 0 2 0080 009F 128 159
2 Byte Order Mark 1 1 1 0 134 FEFF 65279
3 Combining Grapheme Joiner 1 1 1 0 7 034F 847
4 General Punctuation 13 6 19 0 19 0 0 0 (sequence 61)
4.1 Bidi Characters 7 0 7 7 0 61 200E-200F, 202A-202E
4.2 Other Formatting 6 0 6 0 6 0 61 200C200D, 20602063
4.3 Deprecated 0 6 6 6 0 61 206A-206F 8298-8303
5 Specials 5 5 7 12 136 FFF0 FFFD 65520 65533
6 Tags 97 97 33 128 177 E0000 E007F 917504 917631
7 Variation Selectors 256 256 256
7.1 Variation Selectors 16 16 16 129 FE00 FE0F 65024 65039
7.2 Variation Selectors Supplement 240 240 240 178 E0100 E01EF 917760 917999
8 Unallocated Special-Purpose 0 0 0 65,166 (sequences 179-181)
8.1 128 179 E0080 E00FF 917632 917759
8.2 16 180 E01F0 E01FF 918000 918015
8.3 65,022 181 E0200 EFFFD 918016 983037


Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
L Surrogates 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,048 0 (sequences 122-124)
1 High Private Use Surrogates 128 123 DB80 DBFF 56192 56319
2 High Surrogates 896 122 D800 DB7F 55296 56191
3 Low Surrogates 1,024 124 DC00 DFFF 56320 57343

Private use characters

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
M Private Use Areas 0 0 0 0 0 0 137,468 0 (sequences 125, 182-183)
1 Private Use Area 6,400 125 E000 F8FF 57344 63743
3 Supplementary Private Use Area-A 65,534 182 F0000 FFFFD 983040 1048573
3 Supplementary Private Use Area-B 65,534 183 100000 10FFFD 1048576 1114109

Unused Planes

Script-Block Name Core Compat Provd. Resrvd Incl. Excl. Allocd Unallocd Seq Hex
N Planes 3 through 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 720,874 176

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