Susan Hughes

Susan Hughes

Susan Hughes (born 1960) is an author of children's books.


* "Cuba. The Culture" Crabtree Pub. 2004
* "Cuba. The Land" Crabtree Pub. 2004
* "Cuba. The People" Crabtree Pub. 2004
* "Let's Call It Canada: Amazing Stories of Canadian Place Names" Maple Tree Press, 2003
* "We Celebrate Valentine's Day" Crabtree Pub. 1994
* "We Celebrate Winter" Crabtree Pub. 1994
* "We Celebrate Family Days" Crabtree Pub. 1993
* "We Celebrate Hanukkah" Crabtree Pub. 1993
* "We Celebrate the Harvest" Crabtree Pub. 1993
* "Anything Can Happen" Doubleday Canada, 1992


* [ Library of Congress]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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