Dennis Eberhard

Dennis Eberhard

Dennis Eberhard (born 1943 Cleveland, Ohio, died 2005 Cleveland[1]) was an American composer. In his youth he was crippled by polio, which contributed to respiratory problems that contributed to his death in 2005. Eberhard was an active composer for more than 30 years and was a member of the Cleveland Composers Guild and Vox Novus.[2][3][4]

He was educated at Cleveland Institute of Music, Kent State University, the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and the Chopin Institute in Warsaw, Poland. His teachers included: Marie Martin, Frederic Coulter, Salvatore Martirano, Wlodzimierz Kotonski, Gordon Mumma and Herbert Brün.

In his lifetime he received a Fulbright Grant, a Rome Prize Fellowship, two grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, five grants from the Ohio Arts Council, three MacDowell Colony Residency Grants, the Cleveland Arts Prize, the 1990 Award of Achievement in Classical Music from Northern Ohio Live Magazine, and the 1993 Distinguished Alumnus Award from Kent State University.


Articles and reviews


Piano Concerto / Prometheus Wept - Dennis Eberhard - Naxos American Classics - 2004 [5]

Shadow of the Swan - Piano concert

  • I. The Fall
  • II. Requiem
  • III. Quickening

Dinova, Halida, piano St. Petersburg Cappella Symphony Orchestra Tchernoushenko, Alexander, Conductor

Prometheus Wept Migunov, Peter, bass St. Petersburg Cappella Symphony Orchestra Tchernoushenko, Alexander, Conductor


  1. ^ Composer Dennis Eberhard Dies at 61 By Ben Mattison PLAYBILL Arts, published June 1, 2005
  2. ^ Dennis Eberhard Biography - Vox Novus
  3. ^ Dennis Eberhard Biography - Cleveland Composers Guild
  4. ^ "Dennis Eberhard (1943-2005)", by Jerry Bowles, Sequenza 21, June 2nd 2005
  5. ^ Naxos Records - EBERHARD: Piano Concerto / Prometheus Wept

External links

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