Homo rhodesiensis

Homo rhodesiensis

Taxobox | name = "Homo rhodesiensis"
fossil_range = Pleistocene

image_width = 220px
image_caption = Skull found in 1921
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Primates
familia = Hominidae
tribus = Hominini
genus = "Homo"
species = "H. rhodesiensis"
binomial = †"Homo rhodesiensis"
binomial_authority = Woodward, 1921

"Homo rhodesiensis" is a possible hominin species described from the fossil "Rhodesian Man". Other morphologically-comparable remains have been found from the same, or earlier, time period in southern Africa (Hopefield or "Saldanha"), East Africa (Bodo, Ndutu, Eyasi, Ileret) and North Africa (Salé, Rabat, Dar-es-Soltane, Djbel Irhoud, Sidi Aberrahaman, Tighenif). These remains were dated between 300,000 and 125,000 years old.

Another specimen [cite journal|author=Rightmire, G. Philip|year= 2005|title=The Lake Ndutu cranium and early Homo Sapiens in Africa|journal=American Journal of Physical Anthropology|volume=61 |issue=2|pages=245–254] "the hominid from Lake Ndutu" may approach 400,000 years old, and Clarke in 1976 classified it as "Homo erectus". Undirect cranial capacity estimate is 1100 ml. Also supratoral sculus morphology and presence of protuberance as suggest Philip Rightmire : "give the Nudutu occiput an apprence which is also unlike that of Homo Erectus" but Stinger 1986 pointed that "thickened iliac pillar" is typical for "Homo erectus". [The Evolution of Homo Erectus: Comparative Anatomical Studies of an Extinct Human SpeciesBy G. Philip RightmirePublished by Cambridge University Press, 1993ISBN 0521449987, 9780521449984 [http://books.google.com/books?id=edFD6el38mAC&dq=Ndutu+hominid&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0] ] In Africa, there is a distinct difference in the Acheulian tools made before and after 600,000 years ago with the older group being thicker and less symmetric and the younger being more extensively trimmed. This may be connected with the appearance (some 300 ky later) of "Homo rhodesiensis" in the archaeological record at this time who may have contributed this more sophisticated approach.Fact|date=September 2008

Rupert Murrill has studied the relations between "Archanthropus" skull of Petralona (Chalcidice, Greece) and Rhodesian Man. Most current experts believe Rhodesian Man to be within the group of "Homo heidelbergensis" though other designations such as "Homo sapiens arcaicus" and "Homo sapiens rhodesiensis" have also been proposed. According to Tim White, it is probable that "Homo rhodesiensis" was the ancestor of "Homo sapiens idaltu" (Herto Man), which would be itself at the origin of "Homo sapiens sapiens". No direct linkage of the species can so far be determined.



*cite journal|author=Woodward, Arthur Smith|year=1921|title=A New Cave Man from Rhodesia, South Africa|journal=Nature|volume=108|pages=371–372|doi=10.1038/108371a0
*cite journal|author=Singer Robert R. and J. Wymer|year=1968|title=Archaeological Investigation at the Saldanha Skull Site in South Africa|journal=The South African Archaeological Bulletin|volume=23 |issue=3|pages=63–73|doi=10.2307/3888485
*cite journal|author=Murrill, Rupert I.|year= 1975|title=A comparison of the Rhodesian and Petralona upper jaws in relation to other Pleistocene hominids|journal=Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie|volume=66|pages=176–187.
*cite book | author = Murrill, Rupert Ivan | year = 1981 | title = Petralona Man. A Descriptive and Comparative Study, with New Information on Rhodesian Man | location = Springfield, Illinois | editor = Ed. Charles C. Thomas | id = ISBN 0-398-04550-X
*cite journal|author=Rightmire, G. Philip|year= 2005|title=The Lake Ndutu cranium and early Homo Sapiens in Africa|journal=American Journal of Physical Anthropology|volume=61 |issue=2|pages=245–254.
*cite journal|author=Asfaw, Berhane|year= 2005|title=A new hominid parietal from Bodo, middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia|journal=American Journal of Physical Anthropology|volume=61 |issue=3|pages=367–371.

ee also

* List of fossil sites "(with link directory)"
* List of hominina (hominid) fossils "(with images)"

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