- Robert Lilburne
Colonel Robert Lilburne (1613–1665), was the older brother of
John Lilburne , the well known Leveller, but unlike his brother who severed his relationship withOliver Cromwell , Robert Lilburne remained in the army. He is also classed as aregicide for having been forty-seventh of the fifty nine Commissioners (Judges) who signed the death warrant of King Charles I in 1649. Like his brother, Robert Lilburne was educated at the Royal Grammar School [http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=43363]Civil War
At the outbreak of the
First English Civil War Lilburne joined theRoundhead s. He served under Edward Montagu (the son ofEarl of Manchester ) and by 1644 had attained the rank of captain. He then raised a regiment of horse in County Durham which became part of Lord Fairfax's Northern Association army. He joined theNew Model Army and was promoted toColonel of a regiment.Although like his brother John, his sympathies like those of his regiment lay with the
Levellers , he was not present at theCorkbush Field rendezvous , the first of several meetings planned following thePutney Debates . Robert Lilburne's regiment marched, without orders, to the rendezvous in the hope of pressing the Levellers manifesto, theAgreement of the People ref|agreement_1647, on the Army. The mutiny failed. Along with copies of the Agreement, the soldiers displayed in their hats papers showing the Levellers' slogan, "England's Freedom, Soldiers' Rights". When an officer of the commander of the Army, Sir Thomas Fairfax approached them, members of Lilburne's regiment stoned and wounded him.Oliver Cromwell , then the second-in-command of the New Model Army, and some of his officers rode into their ranks and ordered them to take the papers from their hat bands. Cromwell had eight or nine of the more truculent of Lilburne's troopers arrested, tried at an improvised court-martial, and found guilty of mutiny. Three ringleaders were sentenced to death and, having cast lots, PrivateRichard Arnold was shot on the spot as an example.Despite this incident, Fairfax appointed Lilburne Governor of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne . During theSecond English Civil War , Lilburne joined Cromwell and Lambert in the defeat of the Engagers at theBattle of Preston . In December 1648, Lilburne was nominated as one of the Commissioners at the trial of Charles I, he attended the trial and signed the king's death warrant. He also took part in the siege ofPontefract Castle , which held out against Parliament until March 1649.During the
Third English Civil War he fought under Oliver Cromwell during his Scottish campaign, and when the Scottish army invaded England Lilburne defeated English Royalists, under the command of the Earl of Derby, at theBattle of Wigan Lane on25 August 1651 . This prevented them from joining the Scots on their march to defeat at theBattle of Worcester and the end of theEnglish Civil War s. In November 1651 he returned to Scotland as part of Major-General Richard Deane's army of occupation. In December 1652, Lilburne took over command of the army in Scotland, but when he was not given promotion or the support he thought he needed from the Government in London to put down the Glencairn's uprising, he was happy to hand over command to GeneralGeorge Monck in early 1654.Interregnum
During the Interregnum although some officers said that he was too sympathetic to the Levellers and the
Anabaptists , he supported Oliver Cromwell during first years ofthe Protectorate . In 1654 he was appointed Governor of York and the next year he commanded the army units that put down theSealed Knot uprising in York. In he was elected to theFirst Protectorate Parliament . During theRule of the Major-Generals (1656) he was deputy to John Lambert responsible for the day to day administration ofYorkshire andCounty Durham . He was elected MP for theEast Riding of Yorkshire in theSecond Protectorate Parliament . However he opposed the offer of the crown to Cromwell and was uneasy with the constitutional arrangements of the later Protectorate.With the death of Oliver Cromwell, Lilburne did not support Richard Cromwellbut instead supported the restoration of the Rump Parliament and the reinstatement of the
English Commonwealth . He was appointed to the Army'sCommittee of Safety and supported GeneralJohn Lambert when Lambert marched to stop GeneralGeorge Monck marching on London. When that failed and the Restoration occurred Lilburne was arrested along with all the other regicides still living in Britain. OnOctober 16 ,1660 , Lilburne was found guilty ofhigh treason , and was sentenced to behanged, drawn and quartered , but later this was commuted to life imprisonment. He died a prisoner onDrake's Island inPlymouth Sound in August, 1665.Notes
# [http://www.constitution.org/eng/conpur074.htm The Agreement of the People] as presented to the Army Council, October 1647.
* [http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/STUlilburneR.htm Spartacus: Robert Lilburne]
* [http://www.british-civil-wars.co.uk/biog/lilburne-robert.htm Biography of Robert Lilburne] British Civil Wars and Commonwealth website
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