Giovanni Scuderi

Giovanni Scuderi

Giovanni Scuderi (Avola, 24 May, 1935) is an Italian politician, General Secretary of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Party, established by him and others comrades in 10 April 1977 in Florence.


Scuderi, worker, has every had a strong Marxist-Leninist political commitment; in fact he has been the Secretary of the Italian Bolshevik Communist Organization Marxist-Leninist and then, after the transforming of this Organization to Party, became General Secretary of PMLI.

During his Maoist political struggle, he wrote some works, and an essay for the International Seminary on Mao Zedong Thought.

Today he lives in Florence, where there is the headquarters of PMLI.

Other voices

* Italian Marxist-Leninist Party
* Italian Bolshevik Communist Organization Marxist-Leninist
* Marxism-Leninism
* Maoism

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