

Pantelism is a variation of Christian eschatology that holds that the plan of God has been completed, both prophetically, and redemptively. The term "pantelism" comes from the Greek and means, "all things having been accomplished". It has a similar "inclusive" approach to that of "Transmillennialism" and its teaching called "Comprehensive Grace". Pantelism is often confused with Full Preterism, which it is an extension of. The difference however is that in full preterism, while the scriptures have been "prophetically", fulfilled, they have not been "redemptively" fulfilled; Pantelism views this as inconsistent. While preterism views people as born "lost" and must profess personal faith in Jesus Christ in order to escape Hell when they die, Pantelism holds that the judgement of Hell recorded in the Bible, including the lake of fire, refers to the destruction of Jerusalem in the year AD 70. Apart from this distinction Pantelism agrees with all of the other prophetic events, such as other forms of preterism believe. With the Old Covenant system of law and judgment ended, redemption came to Israel and so reconciliation then spread to all humankind, everywhere, afterwards, and regardless of a professed personal faith in Jesus Christ. Thus it is viewed by some as a form of Christian universalism for it accepts the authority of the Bible, unlike some other forms of universalism.


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