Paris (Pantheon)

Paris (Pantheon)

Paris is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe.


real_name=Nathan Taylor
publisher=Marvel Comics
Incredible Hulk #379
creators=Peter David; Dale Keown
relatives= unnamed parents
powers=immortality, empath|

A young Nathan Taylor aka Paris was saved from the Watts Riots in 1959 by Pantheon members Ulysses I and Walter Charles (Ulysses II). Nathan's parents were killed during a fire. Nathan blamed Walter for their deaths and still held a grudge decades later. Nathan Charles was taken back to the Pantheon headquarters, the Mount.

Paris often causes trouble for his teammates particularly Ulysses and is something of a trickster. Paris is an empath which is ironic given his seeming insensitivity to the feelings of others. Paris rarely goes out on missions but he has shown a heroic side as when he shielded a little girl who was about to be killed by the villain X-Ray of the U-Foes. After the destruction of the mount, Paris informed the Hulk that they would always be enemies.

Paris often gives people nicknames they don't like such as when he called the Hulk "Bobby" or Henry Peter Gyrich "Hank". Most people find him sleazy and untrustworthy yet he remained loyal to the Pantheon in the fight against Pantheon founder Agamemnon.

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