List of metafictional works

List of metafictional works

Metafiction is a form of fiction in which the text - either directly or through the characters within - is 'aware' that it is a form of fiction.

This is a partial list of works using various metafictional ideas.

Novels, novellas and short stories

* Peter Ackroyd, "English Music"
* Richard Adams, "The Plague Dogs"
* Rabih Alameddine, "I, the Divine"
* Felipe Alfau, "Locos: A Comedy of Gestures"
* Martin Amis, "Money", "London Fields", "Time's Arrow", "The Information"
* Isaac Asimov, "Murder at the ABA"
* Paul Auster, "The New York Trilogy": "City of Glass" (1985), "Ghosts" (1986) and "The Locked Room" (1986)
* Nicholson Baker, "The Mezzanine"
* John Barnes, "One for the Morning Glory"
* John Barnes, "Gaudeamus"
* Julian Barnes, "Flaubert's Parrot"
* John Barth, "Chimera", "Coming Soon!!!", "The Floating Opera", "Lost in the Funhouse" among others
* Samuel Beckett, "Watt"
* Thomas Bernhard, "Wittgensteins Neffe"
* Jorge Luis Borges, "The Garden of Forking Paths", "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius"
* William S. Burroughs, "Junkie", "Naked Lunch", "Queer"
* Michel Butor, "La Modification"
* Richard Brautigan, "Sombrero Fallout"

* Steven Brust and collaborators, the Paarfi books, especially "Five Hundred Years After"
* A. S. Byatt, ""
* Guillermo Cabrera Infante, "Tres tristes tigres"
* Italo Calvino, "If On a Winter's Night a Traveler"
* Peter Carey, "Illywhacker"
* Jonathon Carroll, "The Land of Laughs"
* Miguel de Cervantes, "Don Quixote"
* J. M. Coetzee, "Slow Man"
* Brendan Connell, "Dr. Black and the Guerrillia"
* Douglas Cooper, "Amnesia", "Delirium"
* Julio Cortazar, "Rayuela", Hopscotch
* Douglas Coupland, "jPod"
* John Crowley, "Little, Big", "Novelty", "Lord Byron's Novel", "The Solitudes" (first book of the Ægypt cycle)
* Mark Z. Danielewski, "House of Leaves"
* Peter David, "Young Justice", Sir Apropos of Nothing
* Samuel R. Delany, "The Einstein Intersection", "Dhalgren", Return to Nevèrÿon (series)
* Philip K. Dick, "VALIS", "The Man in the High Castle"
* Joan Didion, "Democracy"
* Umberto Eco, "Foucault's Pendulum", "The Island of the Day Before", "The Name of the Rose"
* Dave Eggers, "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius"
* Bret Easton Ellis, "Lunar Park"
* Gilad Elbom, "Scream Queens of the Dead Sea"
* Michael Ende, "The Neverending Story"
* Steve Erickson, "Arc d'X", "The Sea Came in at Midnight"
* Raymond Federman, "Twofold Vibration", "Smiles on Washington Square", "Take It Or Leave It"
* F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"
* Jasper Fforde, "The Eyre Affair", "Lost in a Good Book", "The Well of Lost Plots", "Something Rotten", "The Big Over Easy", "The Fourth Bear"
* Henry Fielding, "The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and of his Friend Mr Abraham Adams"
* Ian Fleming, "You Only Live Twice"
* John Fowles, "The French Lieutenant's Woman"
* Jonathan Safran Foer, "Everything Is Illuminated"
* Jostein Gaarder, "Sophie's World"
*John Gardner, "October Light"
* William H. Gass, "The Tunnel"
* Andre Gide, "The Counterfeiters"
* William Goldman, "The Princess Bride"
* Alasdair Gray, "Lanark"
* Robert Grudin, "Book"
* Larry Heinemann, "Paco's Story"
* Robert A. Heinlein, "The Number of the Beast" and "Glory Road", at least.
* Douglas Hofstadter, dialogues in "Gödel, Escher, Bach"
* Rhys Hughes, "Nowhere Near Milk Wood", "The Postmodern Mariner", "The Less Lonely Planet"
* John Irving, "The World According to Garp"
* Diana Wynne Jones", "Fire and Hemlock"
* Stephen King, "The Dark Tower", "Misery", "The Dark Half", "Bag of Bones"
* Milan Kundera, "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting"
* Doris Lessing, "The Golden Notebook"
* Penelope Lively, "Moon Tiger"
* David Lodge (author), "Therapy"
* Dimitris Lyacos, "Nyctivoe
* Steve Lyons, "Doctor Who Virgin New Adventures:Conundrum"
* Barry N. Malzberg, "Galaxies", "Herovit's World"
* Yann Martell, Life of Pi
* Ian McEwan, "Atonement"
* Walter Moers, "Die 13½ Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär", "Ensel und Kretel", "Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher"
* Michael Moorcock, "The Second Ether sequence" ("Blood", "Fabulous Harbours" & "The War Amongst The Angels")
* Scott O. Moore, "Lullabye for Thunderstorms"
* Ethan Mordden, The "Buddies" Cycle
* Haruki Murakami, "Kafka on the Shore"
* Vladimir Nabokov, "The Gift", "Lolita", "Pale Fire", "Look at the Harlequins!", Speak, Memory", many other novels
* Flann O'Brien, "At Swim-Two-Birds"
* Tim O'Brien, "The Things They Carried"
* Michael Ondaatje, "Running in the Family"
* Juan Carlos Onetti, "El Pozo"
* Chuck Palahniuk, "Fight Club" "Diary", "Haunted"
* Kenneth Patchen, "The Journal of Albion Moonlight"
* Milorad Pavić's novels.
* Daniel Pellizzari, "Dedo Negro Com Unha"
* Arturo Pérez-Reverte, "The Club Dumas"
* Salvador Plascencia, "The People of Paper"
* Robert Rankin's novels
* Alain Robbe-Grillet, "La Jalousie", "La maison de rendez-vous"
* Salman Rushdie, "Haroun and the Sea of Stories"
* Douglas Rushkoff, "Exit Strategy"
* José Carlos Somoza, "The Athenian Murders"
* José Saramago, "Ensaio sobre a Cegueira", "A Caverna", "O Homem Duplicado"
* Robert Sheckley, "Options"
* Iain Sinclair, "Landor's Tower"
* Dan Sleigh, "Islands"
* Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler), "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (13 book series)
* Gilbert Sorrentino, "Mulligan Stew"
* Laurence Sterne, "Tristram Shandy"
* Jonathan Stroud, "The Bartimaeus Trilogy"
* Jonathan Swift, "Gulliver's Travels"
* Janet Tashjian, "The Gospel According to Larry" and "Vote for Larry"
* J. R. R. Tolkien, "Leaf by Niggle"
* Roderick Townley, [ "The Great Good Thing"]
* Terry Pratchett, several of the "Discworld", "The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents"
* Aritha van Herk, "Restlessness"
* Miguel de Unamuno, "Niebla"
* Jeff Vandermeer, "City of Saints and Madmen"
* Gore Vidal, "Myra Breckinridge"
* Kurt Vonnegut, "Breakfast of Champions", "Slaughterhouse-Five", "Bluebeard" (indeed, almost all of Vonnegut's middle and later period novels use this technique; see his entry for more details)
* David Foster Wallace, "Infinite Jest", "Brief Interviews with Hideous Men"
* H. G. Wells, "Tono-Bungay"
* Colin Wilson, "The Personality Surgeon"
* Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea, The Illuminatus! Trilogy
* Jeanette Winterson, "Sexing the Cherry", "The Powerbook"
* Gene Wolfe, "The Fifth Head of Cerberus"
* Virginia Woolf, ""
* Ronald Wright, "A Scientific Romance"
* Peter Straub, "In the Night Room"

Animated short films

* Chuck Jones, "Duck Amuck" (1953) and "(Rabbit Rampage)" (1955).

tage plays

* Samuel Beckett, "Waiting for Godot" and "Endgame"
* Joseph Heller, "We Bombed in New Haven"
* Arthur L. Kopit, "End of the World With Symposium to Follow"
* Thomas Kyd, "The Spanish Tragedy"
* Ira Levin, "Deathtrap (play)
* Dimitris Lyacos, "Nyctivoe"
* Steve Martin, "Picasso at the Lapin Agile"
* Luigi Pirandello, "Six Characters in Search of an Author"
*William Shakespeare,"Hamlet", "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
* Tom Stoppard, "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead"
* Peter Weiss, "Marat/Sade (The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat As Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of The Marquis de Sade)"
* Thornton Wilder, "The Skin of Our Teeth"
* Doug Wright, "I Am My Own Wife"
* Federico García Lorca, "Play Without a Title / Untitled Play" (1935)


* Robert Altman, "The Player"
* David Cronenberg, screenplay for "eXistenZ" and "Naked Lunch"
* David Fincher, "Fight Club"
* Peter Greenaway's "The Baby of Mâcon"
* Charlie Kaufman, screenplay for "Adaptation."
* David Lynch's "Inland Empire"
* Zak Penn, Adam Leff, Shane Black and David Arnott, screenplay for "Last Action Hero"
* Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer Berman, screenplay for "American Splendor"
* "A Cock and Bull Story", film adaptation of "Tristram Shandy"
* Some of Wyllis Cooper's "Quiet, Please" scripts
* Keith Allen and Peter Richardson's Comic Strip film "Detectives on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown"
* "Stranger than Fiction"
* Mel Brooks' ""
* "Wes Craven's New Nightmare"
* "Scream"

Television shows

* "The Simpsons"
* "Arrested Development"
* "It's Garry Shandling's Show"
* "Sean's Show"
* "Princess Tutu"
*"Drawn Together", occasionally.

Comic strips, comic books and graphic novels

* Berke Breathed, "Bloom County"
* "Penny Arcade" frequently features metafiction, particularly their fantasy setting "Epic Legends of the Hierarchs: The Elemenstor Saga", which has a [ detailed wiki] devoted to it.
* John Byrne's run on "The Sensational She-Hulk" and Dan Slott's run on "She-Hulk".
* Grant Morrison's run on "Animal Man" and "Doom Patrol", "Flex Mentallo", "The Filth'
* Dave Sim, chapters "Minds" and "Guys" from his six thousand pages graphic novel "Cerebus".
* The characters Deadpool and Purple Man are both aware they are in a comic book.
* Claudio Sanchez's , first half of the fourth chapter of The Amory Wars presents a metafictional aspect to the story when The Writing Writer goes into the story to persuade the main character to accept his destiny.
* "Triangle and Robert" is heavily metafictional.
* Alan Moore's "Promethea" and "Supreme".
* "The Order of the Stick" by Rich Burlew.
* Kristofer Straub's "Checkerboard Nightmare", portrayed as the workplace of several professional webcomic actors and marketers.
* "The Ongoing Adventures of Rocket Llama" is fiction with a metafictional history.

Artists' books

* "Space Opera: The Artist's Book" by Michael J. Weller
* "Fauna" by Joan Foncuberta

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