- List of unused roads in the United Kingdom
An unused road may reference a
road orslip road that was partially or fully constructed but was unused ["US&R and NY-TF1 Practice for the Real Thing." City of New York 20 June 2005. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.nyc.gov/html/oem/html/news/05_06_20_usar_mobex.shtml] .] "Kentucky Model Access Management Ordinance." Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Oct. 2004. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://transportation.ky.gov/planning/traffic/access_files/KY%20Model%20Local%20AM%20Ordinance.pdf] .] ["Barrie (City) v. 1606533 Ontario Inc.", 2005 CanLII 24746 (ON S.C.). 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.canlii.ca/on/cas/onsc/2005/2005onsc14170.html] .] [Iowa House. 1998. House File 686., 77th, H.R. 0686. [http://www.legis.state.ia.us/GA/77GA/BillHistory/HF/00600/HF00686.html] [http://www.legis.state.ia.us/GA/77GA/Legislation/HF/00600/HF00686/Current.html] .] ["PETITIONED PUBLIC HEALTH ASSESSMENT." New York City. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/hac/pha/brookfield/bal_p1.html] .] [House. 1993. LAND TITLE AMENDMENT ACT, 1993. 35th Parliament, 2nd sess., H.R. 78. [http://www.leg.bc.ca/hansard/35th2nd/h0721pm.htm] .] [Munroe, Tapan. "TRENDS ANALYSIS for PARKS & RECREATION: 2000 AND BEYOND." California Park & Recreation Society Jan. 1999. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.cprs.org/pdf/trends2000.pdf] ] ["Chapter 5: Detailed Comparison of Alternatives – Seattle." SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Project, Washington Department of Transportation, 2 May. 2005. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.sr520deiscomments.com/Pages/SR520_DEIS_Section7.pdf] [http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/NR/rdonlyres/FEE76803-E971-4DEE-BA3D-06D6A2F64D6B/0/SR520DEIS_AppendixEPart1.pdf] .] [Anderson, Steve. "CT 11 Expressway." New York City Roads. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.nycroads.com/roads/CT-11/] .] or later closed ["Leasing of Closed Highways Regulation", Alta. Reg. 36/1986. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.canlii.ca/ab/laws/regu/1986r.36/20061113/whole.html] .] ["R. v. Sanders", 2004 NBPC 12 (CanLII). 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.canlii.ca/nb/cas/nbpc/2004/2004nbpc12.html] .] ["HIGHWAY CLOSINGS", R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 599. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.canlii.ca/on/laws/regu/1990r.599/20061120/whole.html] .] . An unused ramp can be referred to as a stub ramp [PDFlink| [http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/transit/ptr_newsletter/2006_october.pdf Washington State Department of Transportation Public Transportation and Rail Division Monthly News, October 2006, page 4] |286 KiB , accessedDecember 28 ,2006 ] , stub street [Sommer, Dick. "Ten Ways to Manage Roadway Access in Your Community." Ohio Department of Transportation, 2005. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.dot.state.oh.us/roadwayengineering/documents/access_management/10ways2005.pdf] .] [Bauserman, Christian E. "DELAWARE COUNTY ENGINEER’S DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION & SURVEYING STANDARDS." 18 May, 1998. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.dot.state.oh.us/prod/ROW/CtyCvy/delaware.pdf] .] , stub-out, or simply stub [Geiger, Gene. "Ohio DOT Constructs I-670 over a Water Treatment Sludge Lagoon in Columbus." Ohio LTAP Quarterly. Ohio Department of Transportation. 15:3 (1999) [http://www.dot.state.oh.us/ltap/Newsletters/1999/Q4/Fall%201999.pdf] .] ["CITY OF UNION, KENTUCKY." City of Union, Kentucky 23 June 2006. 15 Jan. 2007 [http://www.cityofunionky.org/files/19078672.htm] .] . The following is a list of locations within theUnited Kingdom :England *In
Manchester , theA57(M) motorway has an unfinished slip road that hangs 20 feet in the air. It is hidden from view from the road. [ [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Brook+St,+Manchester+M60,+United+Kingdom&layer=&ie=UTF8&sll=53.456627,-2.148514&sspn=0.010707,0.029182&z=18&ll=53.472004,-2.236657&spn=0.001338,0.005407&t=h&om=1 Google Maps ] ] [ [http://pathetic.org.uk/current/a57m/photos/brook_st/ Pathetic Motorways - A57(M) Ghost Ramp] ]*In
London , theM11 motorway has two short unused slips at Junction 4 (Charlie Brown's) which would have been a link for theM12 motorway to head East intoEssex . [ [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=essex&layer=&sll=51.585177,0.148315&sspn=0.178765,0.692139&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=18&ll=51.597044,0.044101&spn=0.001396,0.005407&t=k&iwloc=addr Google Map] ; last accessed 2008-08-20]*Newcastle has two ramp stubs on the northbound Central Motorway East (originally A1(M), now
A167(M) ), links from a proposed Central Motorway East By-pass. (A third northbound link was opened as the local access from Camden Street) [ [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Newcastle+Upon+Tyne,+Tyne+and+Wear,+NE1&ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=54.98068,-1.606375&spn=0.002727,0.010815&t=k&om=1 Google Local (UK) overhead photo] ]*In Surrey, the M23 begins with junction seven and has a ramp stub that was intended to extend the M23 further into London. [ [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=surrey&sll=51.604798,-0.087204&sspn=0.178687,0.692139&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=16&ll=51.279931,-0.153701&spn=0.005624,0.021629&t=k&om=1 Google Maps ] ] [ [http://www.cbrd.co.uk/histories/m23/ CBRD - Histories - M23] ]
*On many early rural motorways, ramp stubs can be found at locations proposed for Motorway Service Areas. Sites for services were designated at regular intervals, about 12 or 13 miles apart, and the ramp stubs built as part of the original motorway construction. Land adjacent to the motorway was often obtained for the future services - usually a neat circular or hexagonal plot that is easily identified on aerial photos: e.g., [http://www.multimap.com/map/photo.cgi?lat=53.5736&lon=-0.9972&scale=10000&icon=x M18 near Hatfield] . While many of these original sites were opened as service areas, those remaining unused are now unlikely ever to be developed, either because the sites are too small and restricted, or because they're just in the wrong place: Doncaster North services recently opened less than 2 miles from the ramp stubs at Hatfield. [ [http://motorwayservicesonline.co.uk/services/doncaster/ Motorways Services Online - Doncaster (North) services] ]
*Improvement works in 1987 rerouted the A47 in
Rutland near Wardley resulting in an unused stretch of carriageway being left behind which functions only as access to a transmitting station. [ [http://wikimapia.org/#lat=52.596427&lon=-0.772605&z=15&l=0&m=h&v=2 Unused Stretch of A47, Rutland on Wikimapia] ]*The former line of the A33
Winchester Bypass remains very clear on the ground after having been replaced by theM3 motorway throughTwyford Down . [ [http://wikimapia.org/#lat=51.043094&lon=-1.306987&z=15&l=0&m=h&v=2] ]Scotland *Glasgow's
M8 motorway has several ramp stubs built for the abandoned Inner Ring Road. The most famous examples are the West Street ramps at Junction 20 (Kingston) [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=glasgow&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=55.852276,-4.268467&spn=0.002523,0.010815&t=h&om=1] , and another pair can be found at Junction 15 (Townhead) [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=glasgow&layer=&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=18&ll=55.864993,-4.235643&spn=0.001261,0.005407&t=k&iwloc=addr] [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=glasgow&layer=&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=18&ll=55.868066,-4.237064&spn=0.001261,0.005407&t=k&iwloc=addr] . There are also ramp stubs on the westbound M8 between junctions 16 and 17, for an unbuilt motorway leading out to the north and west [http://local.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=glasgow&layer=&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=17&ll=55.870056,-4.257588&spn=0.002522,0.010815&t=k&iwloc=addr] [ [http://members.tripod.com/m8motorway/m8_glasgow_j20.htm Photographs and explanation on "ski ramps"] ] .ee also
List of unused highways External links
* [http://motorwayservicesonline.co.uk/misc/unbuilt/ Motorway Services Online] - includes information on unbuilt service areas and photos of some locations.
* [http://pathetic.org.uk Pathetic Motorways] - Looks at unimpressive motorways, including ones that were never or only half-built.References
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.