- Urban politics
Urban politics is politics in and about cities. This term refers to the diverse
political structure that occurs inurban area s where there is diversity in both race and socio-economic status. Urban politics ispolitical science that falls into the field ofurban studies , which incorporates many aspects of cities, suburbs, andurbanization . This includes such topics as::#The structure of political power.:#Race, ethnic, class, and gender relations in cities and suburbs.:#The politics of space andspatial relationships .The ongoing urbanization of the world is sometimes portrayed as a sort of natural process, as determined byeconomics or something else beyond the control of humans. The study of urban politics reveals a different truth altogether; that the process of urbanization is itself is inherently political. To study urban politics is to study what happens on the ground, among people who share the same space for day-to-day living. This makes the study of urban politics particularly challenging and difficult to analyze. [http://web.uvic.ca/polisci/magnusson/urbanoutlines.htm - University of Victoria, Political Science 332 - Urban Politics, Spring 2006, Warren Magnusson.]Notes
*Simon Parker, "Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City, London and New York": Routledge, 2004.
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