Tuscany students Parliament

Tuscany students Parliament

The Tuscany students Parliament, in italian "Parlamento regionale degli studenti della Toscana" (PRS), is most important institution for the students of the Tuscany high schools. It's composed by 60 students and 60 teachers.
At the present time the President is Gregorio Parrini [It [http://www.consiglio.regione.toscana.it/agenzia-stampa/Comunicati-stampa/comunicato/testo_comunicato.asp?id=9656 Press communiquè of the Tuscany Region.] ] and the secretaries are Andrea Gori Brugioni and Marina Santella.


It has the function of represting democtratically the 140.000 students of the Tuscany region. Each of his member, who is elected in a provincial electoral disrtict, can put forward motions and bills. The Tuscany students Parliament in this way has right to propose a law to the Tuscany regional Council.


External links

* [http://www.consiglio.regione.toscana.it/Istituzione/Parlamento-degli-Studenti/default.asp Official web site.]

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