Sum (administrative division)
- Sum (administrative division)
Sum, sumu, sumon, and somon ("sumuud") are a type of administrative district used in China, Mongolia, and Russia.
In Inner Mongolia, a "sumu" (Chinese: 苏木; pinyin: "sūmù") is a township-level political/administrative division. The "sumu" division is equivalent to a township but is unique to Inner Mongolia. It is therefore larger than a village and smaller than a banner (the Inner Mongolia equivalent of the county-level division).
"Sumu" whose population is predominated by ethnic minorities are designated ethnic sumu – parallel with the ethnic township in the rest of China.
A sum ( _mn. сум, "arrow") is the second level administrative subdivision below the Aimags (provinces), roughly comparable to a County in the USA. There are 331 sums in Mongolia. Each sum is again subdivided into "bags".
In Russia, a sumon is an administrative division of the Tuva Republic, and somon ("sumuud") is that of the Buryat Republic. Both are describing the Russian term "selsoviet".
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Sum (disambiguation) — Sum usually refers to summation.It may also refer to: *Sum (category theory), also referred to as coproduct *Sum (country subdivision), an administrative division used in Mongolia and nearby regions *SUM (interbank network) *Soccer United… … Wikipedia
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