

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Name = Salzkotten
image_photo = Salzkotten_Saline.jpg
imagesize =
image_caption = Salt works in Salzkotten
lat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 40 |lat_sec = 15
lon_deg = 08 |lon_min = 36 |lon_sec = 17
Lageplan = Lage Ort Salzkotten Kreis Paderborn.pngBundesland = Nordrhein-Westfalen
Regierungsbezirk = Detmold
Kreis = Paderborn
Höhe = 97
Fläche = 109.5
Einwohner = 24842
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 33143–33154
Vorwahl = 05258
02955 Niederntudorf
02948 Mantinghausen, Verlar and parts of Schwelle
Kfz = PB
Gemeindeschlüssel = 05 7 74 036
Gliederung = 10
Adresse = Marktstraße 8
33154 Salzkotten
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Michael Dreier
Partei = CDU

Salzkotten is a town in the district of Paderborn, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The name Salzkotten (English: Salt cottage) is based on the former salt production, which gave Salzkotten its raison d'être. Salt was found in the salty rivers around the town.


Salzkotten is situated at the border between the flat park landscape of the Münsterland in the north, the Soester Börde in the west and the dry rocky mountains with many forests in the south. It is full of small fountains and rivers bringing water from the mountains to the Rhine. It is located approx. 12 km south-west of Paderborn.

Division of the town

In 1975, the town of Salzkotten was merged with nine independent villages:
* Mantinghausen
* Niederntudorf
* Oberntudorf
* Scharmede
* Schwelle
* Thüle
* Upsprunge
* Verlar
* VerneSchwelle is commonly called "United States of Holsen-Schwelle-Winkhausen" because of its 3 tiny villages.


The economy of Salzkotten today focusses upon metal mining and refinery, machine manufacture, electronics, food production and services.


About 40% of the population is below the age of 30.


Salzkotten was founded in 1247, but documents exists which indicate that salt production was already occurring in 1160. Before the town's foundation, there were a number of farms and villages, which were broken down and rebuilt within the new town walls.


The town has three significant annual celebrations: the Sälzerfest (salt festival), the Schützenfest (fair featuring shooting matches) and the Hederauenfest. The Schützenfest itself is an event that takes place in many towns and cities across the state.


The politics of Salzkotten are dominated by the conservative CDU. Since World War II, the CDU is the biggest party in the town council (German: Stadtrat). Since the 2004 local election, there are 6 groups in the town council (38 seats):
* CDU (Christian-Democratic Union) 58.9% of the votes, 22 Seats
* SPD (Social Democratic Party) 22.4%, 9 seats
* UWS (Independent Voters' Community Salzkotten) 5.6%, 2 seats
* FDP (Free Democratic Party) 5.2%, 2 seats
* Grüne (Alliance 90/The Greens) 4.4%, 2 seats
* FBI (Free Citizens' Initiative) 3.5%, 1 seat.

External links

* [ Official site] de icon

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