Database of Interacting Proteins

Database of Interacting Proteins

The Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP)[1] catalogs experimentally determined interactions between proteins. It combines information from a variety of sources to create a single, consistent set of protein–protein interactions. The data stored within DIP have been curated, both manually, by expert curators, and automatically, using computational approaches that utilize the knowledge about the protein–protein interaction networks extracted from the most reliable, core subset of the DIP data. DIP is curated by the research group of David Eisenberg at UCLA.

DIP is a member of the International Molecular Exchange Consortium (IMEx), a group of the major public providers of interaction data. Other participating databases include IntAct, MINT, MPact, and BioGRID. The databases of IMEx work together to prevent duplications of effort, collecting data from non-overlapping sources and sharing the curated interaction data.


  1. ^ Salwinski L, Miller CS, Smith AJ, Pettit FK, Bowie JU, Eisenberg D. (2004) The Database of Interacting Proteins: 2004 update. NAR 32:D449-51. (Article in Pubmed)

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