Cgp — CGP, sigle composé des trois lettres C, G et P, peut faire référence à : Patenga, Chittagong, Bangladesh, selon la liste des codes AITA des aéroports, Commissariat général du Plan, Coût global de possession, Conseil en gestion de patrimoine … Wikipédia en Français
CGP — CGP, sigle composé des trois lettres C, G et P, peut faire référence à : Patenga, Chittagong, Bangladesh, selon la liste des codes AITA des aéroports, Commissariat général du Plan, Coût global de possession, Conseil en gestion de patrimoine … Wikipédia en Français
CGP — CGP: svw. ↑ Choriomammotropin … Universal-Lexikon
CGP (books) — CGP, standing for Coordination Group Publications, is a textbook publishing company, and the UK s leading educational publisher, having published over 600 books. [ [… … Wikipedia
CGP-37849 — drugbox IUPAC name = (E,2R) 2 amino 4 methyl 5 phosphonopent 3 enoic acid width = 240 CAS number = 137424 81 8 synonyms = CGP 37849, CGP 40116 ATC prefix = ATC suffix = PubChem = 5950212 DrugBank = C = 6 | H = 12 | N = 1 | O = 5 | P = 1 molecular … Wikipedia
CGP 52608 — chembox new ImageFile = CGP 52608.png ImageSize = 200 IUPACName = 3 Methyl 1 [(4 oxo 3 prop 2 enyl 1,3 thiazolidin 2 ylidene)amino] thiourea OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo=87958 67 6 PubChem=6509863… … Wikipedia
CGP — Abbreviation for chorionic “growth hormone prolactin”. * * * N carbobenzoxy glycyl L phenylalanine; choline glycerophosphatide; chorionic growth hormone prolactin; circulating granulocyte pool; circulatory gene pool … Medical dictionary
CGP — Coastal Corporation (Business » NYSE Symbols) ** Certified Guitar Player (Business » Positions) * Coordination Group Publications (Business » Firms) * Chittagong, Bangladesh (Regional » Airport Codes) * Character Graphics Printer (Governmental »… … Abbreviations dictionary
CGP PA — Coastal Finance, Inc. Preferred A (Business » NYSE Symbols) … Abbreviations dictionary
CGP PB — Coastal Finance, Inc. Preferred B (Business » NYSE Symbols) … Abbreviations dictionary