Hensel's lemma

Hensel's lemma

In mathematics, Hensel's lemma, named after Kurt Hensel, is a generic name for analogues for complete commutative rings (including p-adic fields in particular) of the Newton method for solving equations. Since p-adic analysis is in some ways simpler than real analysis, there are relatively neat criteria guaranteeing a root of a polynomial.

First form

A version of the lemma for "p"-adic fields is as follows. Let "f"("x") be a polynomial with integer coefficients, "k" an integer not less than 2 and "p" a prime number. Suppose that "r" is a solution of the congruence

:f(r) equiv 0 pmod{p^{k-1.,

If f'(r) otequiv 0 pmod{p}, then there is a unique integer "t", 0 ≤ "t" ≤ "p-1", such that

:f(r + tp^{k-1}) equiv 0 pmod{p^k},

with "t" defined by

:tf'(r) equiv -(f(r)/p^{k-1}) pmod{p}.,

If, on the other hand, f'(r) equiv 0 pmod{p}, and in addition, f(r) equiv 0 pmod{p^k},then

: f(r + tp^{k-1}) equiv 0 pmod{p^k},

for all integers "t".

Also, if f'(r) equiv 0 pmod{p}, and f(r) otequiv 0 pmod{p^k}, then f(x) equiv 0 pmod{p^k}, has no solution for any x equiv r pmod{p^{k-1.,


Suppose that "p" is an odd prime number and "a" is a quadratic residue modulo "p" relative prime to "p". Then "a" has a square root in the ring of "p"-adic integers Zp. Indeed, let "f"("x")="x"2-"a", then its derivative is 2"x", which is not zero modulo "p" for "x" not divisible by "p" (here we use that "p" is odd). By the assumption, the congruence

: f(r)equiv 0 pmod{p}

has a solution "r"1 not divisible by "p". Starting from "r"1 and repeatedly applying Hensel's lemma, we construct a sequence of integers { "r"i } such that

: r_{i+1} equiv r_i pmod{p^i}, quad r_i^2 equiv a pmod{p^i}.

This sequence has a limit, a "p"-adic integer "r" such that "r"2="a". In fact, "r" is a unique square root of "a" in Zp congruent to "r"1 modulo "p". Conversely, if "a" is a complete square in Zp then it is a quadratic residue mod "p". Note that the Quadratic reciprocity law allows one to easily test whether "a" is a quadratic residue mod "p", thus we get a practical way to determine which "p"-adic numbers (for "p" odd) have an integral square root, and it can be easily extended to cover the case "p"=2.

To make the example more explicit, let us consider finding the "square root of 2" (the solution to x^2-2=0) in the 7-adic integers. Modulo 7, we have a solution, namely 3 (we could also take 4), so r_1 = 3. Hensel's lemma then allows us to find r_2 as follows:

:f(r_1)=3^2-2=7:f(r_1)/p^1=7/7=1:f'(r_1)=2r_1=6:tf'(r) equiv -(f(r)/p^{k-1}) pmod{p}, that is, tcdot 6 equiv -1 pmod{7}:Rightarrow t = 1:r_2 = r_1 + tp^1 = 3+1 cdot 7 = 10 =13_7

And sure enough, 10^2equiv 2 pmod{49}. We can then continue, and find r_3 = 108 = 213_7. Each time we carry out the calculation (that is, for each successive value of "k" or "i"), one more digit is added on the left to the base 7 numeral. In the 7-adic system, this sequence converges, and the limit is thus a square root of 2 in this field.


Suppose "A" is a commutative ring, complete with respect to an ideal mathfrak m_A, and let f(x) in A [x] be a polynomial with coefficients in "A". Then if "a" ∈ "A" is an "approximate root" of "f" in the sense that it satisfies

: f(a) equiv 0 pmod{f'(a)^2 ,mathfrak m}

then there is an exact root "b" ∈ "A" of "f" "close to" "a"; that is,

:f(b) = 0


:b equiv a pmod{f'(a) ,mathfrak m}.

Further, if "f" ′("a") is not a zero-divisor then "b" is unique.

This result has been generalized to several variables by Nicolas Bourbaki as follows:

Theorem: Let "A" be a commutative ring, complete with respect to an ideal m⊂ "A" (which is equivalent to the fact that there is an absolute value on A so that for every x in m we have |x| is strictly less than 1 and the resulting metric space is complete), and a = ("a"1, …, "a""n") ∈ "A""n" an approximate solution to a system of polynomials "f""i"(x) ∈ "A" ["x"1, …, "x""n"] in the sense that

:"f""i"(a) ≡ 0 mod m

for 1 ≤ "i" ≤ "n". Suppose that either det J(a) is a unit in "A" or that each "f""i"(a) ∈ (det J(a))²m, where J(a) is the Jacobian matrix of a with respect to the "f""i". Then there is an exact solution b = ("b"1, …, "b""n") in the sense that

:"f""i"(b) = 0

and furthermore this solution is "close to" a in the sense that

:"b""i" ≡ "a""i" mod m

for 1 ≤ "i" ≤ "n".

Related concepts

Completeness of a ring is not a necessary condition for the ring to have the Henselian property: Goro Azumaya in 1950 defined a commutative local ring satisfying the Henselian property for the maximal ideal m to be a Henselian ring.

Masayoshi Nagata proved in the 1950s that for any commutative local ring "A" with maximal ideal m there always exists a smallest ring "A"h containing "A" such that "A"h is Henselian with respect to m"A"h. This "A"h is called the Henselization of "A". If "A" is noetherian, "A"h will also be noetherian, and "A"h is manifestly algebraic as it is constructed as a limit of étale neighbourhoods. This means that "A"h is usually much smaller than the completion "Â" while still retaining the Henselian property and remaining in the same category.

See also

*Hasse-Minkowski theorem
*Newton polygon


* | year=1995 | volume=150.

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