- Linear scheduling method
Linear Scheduling Method (LSM) is a graphical scheduling method focusing on continuous resource utilization in repetitive activities. It is believed that it originally adopted the idea of
Line-Of-Balance method .LSM is used mainly in construction industry to schedule resources in repetitive activities commonly found in highway, pipeline, high-rise building projects. These projects are called repetitive projects or linear projects. The main advantages of LSM over
Critical Path Method (CPM) is its underlying idea of keeping resource work continuously. In other words, it schedules activities in such a way that:# resource utilization is maximized.
# interruption in on-going process is minimized, including hiring-and-filing.
# effect of learning curve phenomenon is minimized.These benefits are achieved in LSM by schedule activity start date at the date which will provide such a continuous work flow for the resource. In contrast to CPM, this date scheduled by LSM is not the earliest possible start date of an activity. ...?
Graphical presentation of LSM is also another advantage over
Critical Path Method when project consists of repetitive activities.ee also
List of project management topics
*Project *
Project management *
Project planning
*Work breakdown structure
*List of project management software Further reading
* Robert B. Harris and Photios G. Ioannou [http://www.cem.umich.edu/Ioannou/Pubs/CEE98_RSM/PGI_CEE98_RSM.pdf Repetitive Scheduling Method]
* David W. Johnston [http://cedb.asce.org/cgi/WWWdisplay.cgi?5016289 Linear Scheduling Method for Highway Construction]Linear (or Repetitive,or Time-Location based) Scheduling Software
* [http://www.pcfltd.co.uk/exechome.html QEI Exec]
* [http://www.astadev.com/software/tilos/index.asp Tilos]
* [http://www.vicosoftware.com/Products/Control/tabid/46260/Default.aspx Vico Control 2008]
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