- Victor H. Rumsey
Dr. Victor H. Rumsey (November 22, ? - ) is an
electrical engineer , best known for his studies of frequency-independent antennas.Rumsey was born in
Devizes ,Wiltshire ,England , onSaint Cecilia 's day, and received his BA in mathematics (1941) and Sc.D. in physics fromCambridge University . From 1941-1945 he performedradar research at theTelecommunications Research Establishment in England and theNaval Research Laboratory ,Washington, DC . After three years at the Canadian Atomic Research Laboratory he became director of the Antenna Laboratory atOhio State University . In 1954 he moved to theUniversity of Illinois , in 1957 to theUniversity of California, Berkeley , and in 1966 to theUniversity of California, San Diego where he is now Professor Emeritus.Starting in the 1950s, Rumsey suggested basic principles for developing frequency-independent antennas. In 1999, Nathan Cohen showed that these principles were incomplete, and later article by Robert Hohlfeld and Cohen proved that self-similarity was required, i.e., a
fractal antenna . Conditions for frequency invariance are called now "Hohlfeld-Cohen-Rumsey" (HCR) conditions.Rumsey is a member of the
National Academy of Engineering , and has received an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree fromTohoku University , Japan, the 1962IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award , and the 2004 John Kraus Antenna Award.Selected works
* "Frequency-Independent Antennas", IRE National Convention Record, vol. 5, part 1, 1957, pages 114-118.
* "Frequency Independent Antennas", Academic Press, 1966References
* [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/8/29890/01364130.pdf IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 52, no. 12, December 2004, page 3169]
* [http://www.nae.edu/nae/naepub.nsf/Members+By+UNID/7C9087E8B8E3B54785256FFC004A4D02?opendocument National Academy of Engineering entry]
* Hohlfeld,R., and Cohen,N.,"Self-Similarity and the Geometric Requirements for Frequency Independence in Antennae", Fractals, Vol. 7, No. 1 (1999) 79-84.
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