

Infobox Brand

currentowner=Premier Foods
previousowners=Crosse & Blackwell

Sarson's is a brand of vinegar in the United Kingdom. It is sold in pear shaped bottles with a flip top and the brand is currently owned by Premier Foods.

History and uses

The vinegar was first created by Thomas Sarson in 1794 from malt barley. James Thomas Sarson was a vinegar maker living at Brunswick Place, Shoreditch in 1841.cite web| url=| title=Small Collections: 1703-1973, held by Hackney Archives Department| publisher=The National Archives| accessdate=4 September 2008] [1841 Census - James Sarson, aged approx 50, Vinegar Maker] Sales rocketed when his son Henry James Sarson took over. It was renamed "Sarson's Virgin Vinegar" in 1884, referencing a Biblical story of the wise virgins, by which he was inspired, as opposed to the purity of the product, but this name was soon dropped. [cite web| url=| title=Sarson's Vinegar| publisher=Waitrose| accessdate=4 September 2008] In 1893, the company was trading under the name of Henry Sarson and Sons from The Vinegar works, Catherine Street, City Road, Shoreditch, London. Two of Henry's sons, Henry Logsdail Sarson and Percival Stanley Sarson also joined the family buiness as vinegar brewers. [1901 Census - 3 Dryden Chambers, 119 Oxford Street, London - Percival S. Sarson, aged 33, Vinegar Brewer] [1901 Census - 24 Highbury Crescent, Islington, London - Henry L. Sarson, aged 39, Vinegar Brewer]

The company was taken over by Crosse & Blackwell which in turn was taken over by Nestlé and then Premier Foods. As well as a condiment vinegar can also be used to clean windows and many other uses have been suggested for it [* [ Weird Facts - 50 Uses for Vinegar] ]


A print of a cartoon dates from 1893 entitled "The Irony of Circumstance", featuring an acetic faced women in front of sign which reads "Virgin Vinegar".cite web| url=| title=British Vinegars Limited, 1932-| publisher=The National Archives| accessdate=4 September 2008]

A Sarson's Virgin Vinegar colour advertisement postcard survives form the 1900's for a campaign entitled "She would have Sarsons". And from the 1930's and 1940's there is a photograph of a Sarson's vinegar truck and 49 photographs of the works, in a collection created by British Vinegars Limited and are held in the London Metropolitan Archives.

The slogan used to advertise the product is now "Don't say vinegar - say Sarson's".


*Malt and Distilled Vinegar
*Lemon Vinegar
*Light Malt Vinegar
*Pickling Strength Malt Vinegar

Other products

*Worcester sauce
*Soy sauce


External links

* [ Sarson's on the Premier foods website]

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