Grand Wizard

Grand Wizard

Grand Wizard was the title given to the overall leader of the earliest form of the Ku Klux Klan, which formed during Southern Reconstruction. Nathan Bedford Forrest was believed to have held the title before the Klan was dissolved. The Grand Wizard had very little real power, since most Klan "dens" (local groups) were effectively autonomous due to the Klan's semi-clandestine nature.

At the start of the 20th Century, the KKK sprung up again as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Still commonly referred to as the KKK, this incarnation has used a different system of titles for their officers. The highest-ranking leaders of the modern Klan factions have more commonly used the title of Imperial Wizard. The title of Grand Wizard (or Grand Dragon, a common variation) now typically applies to the main KKK officer at a state or regional level.

The white nationalist politician David Duke attained the rank of Grand Wizard prior to leaving a branch of the organization.

This title was later used as a character in Jill Murphy's fantasy novel The Worst Witch. Tim Curry was casted for that role in the 1986 Halloween television movie.

List of Grand Wizards

*Nathan Bedford Forrest, 1867-1869
*William J. Simmons, 1915-1945
*David Duke, 1974-1978
*Don Black, 1978-87
*Virgil Griffin 1987 to present

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