Scott Ambler

Scott Ambler

Scott W. Ambler is the "Practice Leader Agile Development" at IBM Corporation in the IBM Methods group.

He is the author of several books focused on the Unified process, Agile software development, the Unified Modeling Language, and CMM-based development.

He has developed the Agile Unified Process (AUP) - a simplified version of the Rational Unified Process - and the Enterprise Unified Process, an extension of the Rational Unified Process.


*cite book
last = Ambler
first = Scott
year = 2002
title = Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for EXtreme Programming and the Unified Process
publisher = J. Wiley
id = ISBN 0471202827

*cite book
last = Ambler
first = Scott
year = 2005
title = Enterprise Unified Process: Extending the Rational Unified Process
publisher = Prentice Hall PTR
id = ISBN 0-13-191451-0

External links

* [ Home page at IBM]
* [ Scott W. Ambler's Home Page]

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