- Reginald E. Beauchamp
Reginald E. Beauchamp (1910-2000) was an American
sculptor whose works include "Penny Franklin" (1971),cite web |url=http://jepsculpture.com/ben-pennyfranklin.shtml |title="Penny Franklin", James Peniston Sculpture |accessdate=2007-11-09] "Whispering Bells of Freedom" (1976),cite web |url=http://philart.net/artist.php?id=15 |title="Whispering Bells of Freedom", Philadelphia Public Art@philart.net |accessdate=2007-11-09] and abust of Connie Mack that sits in theBaseball Hall of Fame .cite journal | last=Nicholson| first=Jim| title=Reginald Beauchamp, Creative Bulletin Exec | journal=The Philadelphia Daily News| pages=52 | date=December 26, 2000 ]Beauchamp was born in
London and immigrated to the United States at age 2, living with his family for five years inRensselaer, New York , before settling inPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania .cite journal | last=Pray| first=Wallace| title=R. Beauchamp, Bulletin Executive | journal=The Philadelphia Inquirer | pages=B06 | date=December 22, 2000 ] He worked as the director of special events and then the head ofpublic relations and personnel at thePhiladelphia Bulletin newspaper from 1945 to 1975. He was also involved in various community groups, includingRotary International , thePhiladelphia Sketch Club , thePoor Richard Club , and the [http://www.associationsites.com/main-pub.cfm?usr=PPRA Philadelphia Public Relations Association] , which named him the first member of its hall of fame.cite web |url=http://www.associationsites.com/page.cfm?usr=ppra&pageid=3079 |title=Philadelphia Public Relations Association Hall of Fame |accessdate=2007-11-09]Artworks
Beauchamp created 25 works of
public art , most of which were installed in Philadelphia. They include:
*The "Living Flame Memorial," erected in 1976 in Franklin Square as the city's monument to honor city police and firefighters fallen in the line of dutycite web |url=http://philadelphia.about.com/od/familyfun/ss/franklin_square_6.htm|title="Franklin Square Opens for its Second Season," About.com |accessdate=2007-11-09] .
*The "Hero Mosaic" inPhiladelphia City Hall .
*The Vietnam Bronze War Memorial at Edison High School. The North Philly school lost 66 former students in theVietnam War , more than any other U.S. high school.Tony Burgee , class of 1961, led the effort to create the memorial.cite journal | last=Bunch| first=Will| title=Different wars, different reactionsDespite unpopularity of Iraq conflict, Americans respect our soldiers - & now even Vietnam vets | journal=The Philadelphia Daily News| pages=City & Local | date=October 30, 2007 ]
* The "Signing of the Declaration of Independence" at theMellon Independence Center mall.
* A bronze ofDave Zinkoff , a veteran announcer of Philadelphia sporting events, at thePhiladelphia Spectrum arena.
* A "plastic glass spire" atMercy Hospital of Philadelphia .
* "Whispering Bells of Freedom" (1976), outside the African American Museum in downtown Philadelphia.In 1986, two Beauchamp bronze
bas-relief s of the face of Civil War heroGeorge C. Platt were installed at the approaches to theGeorge C. Platt Bridge over theSchuylkill River . They were commissioned by Platt's great-great-grandson, Lawrence Griffin Platt, who raised $10,000 with the help of a former Gulf Oil Co. executive, and were mounted on poles at either end of the bridge. Both were later stolen; the first in 1987, and the second some time later. A $500 reward offered by the "Philadelphia Daily News " in 2002 was unsuccessful in securing their return.cite journal | last=Hinkleman| first=Michael| title=Stolen bridge signs still unaccounted for;$500 reward for markers taken in late '80s | journal=The Philadelphia Daily News| pages=M08 | date=September 19, 2002 ]Beauchamp once hung colored ribbons from the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] atop
Philadelphia City Hall to nearby buildings, creating the look of amaypole more than 500 feet tall.cite web |url=http://www.sketchclub.org/docs/newsltr0201.pdf |title="Memorial ~ Reginald E. Beauchamp," PSC Portfolio, the Philadelphia Sketch Club's newsletter |accessdate=2007-12-11]In 1967, he unsuccessfully proposed a $5 million, 14-story bust of
Benjamin Franklin to be mounted on Belmont Plateau in the city'sFairmount Park . It was to be made of vertical stainless-steel tubes, six inches in diameter and one inch apart, that would have been lit from the interior of the sculpture.cite web |url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/darrensnow/2808777220/ |title="PA-Philadelphia - 14-story Franklin bust" |accessdate=2008-08-29]Among the privately held works by Beauchamp is a sculptural rendition of
John Trumbull 's painting of the signing of theDeclaration of Independence , installed at thePhiladelphia Protestant Home in the Lawndale neighborhood.cite journal | last=Vitez| first=Michael| title=An Artist Whose Canvas Is The City | journal=The Philadelphia Inquirer | pages=B06 | date=November 12, 1993]"Penny Franklin"
Beauchamp's favorite of his public works was "Penny Franklin", a bust of Ben Franklin that was covered with 80,000 pennies collected from local schoolchildren. The work was conceived as a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the
Philadelphia Fire Department , the professional descendant of the Franklin-foundedUnion Fire Company , and an homage to the man who coined the phrase "a penny saved is a penny earned."cite journal | last=Davis| first=Mark| title=Alas, the bust has seen better days | journal=The Philadelphia Inquirer| pages=A01 | date=January 17, 1998 ]"Using clay, Beauchamp modeled an adult-sized bust of a long-haired, gentle-eyed fellow — the Franklin of the history books, wise and timeless. Then he reached into his penny supply and covered the entire thing with coins, creating a sort of chain-mail effect. Beauchamp completed it with a quarter-inch coating of fiberglass."
The sculpture was installed in 1971 in
Girard Fountain Park in Philadelphia'sOld City neighborhood, and dedicated in a June 10 ceremony that featured a speech byU.S. Mint DirectorMary Brooks . [http://www.usmint.gov/historianscorner/index.cfm?action=docDetail&id=227 "Mint Director Unveils Penny Franklin Sculpture."] ] "It was a hit...a favorite of tourists and passersby on Arch Street for 25 years," the "Philadelphia Inquirer" wrote. A box that would play a recorded message at the push of a button was less popular with nearby residents, and it was eventually dismantled.cite journal | last=Kirschke| first=Joseph F.| title=Bust of Ben Franklin, Tourist Attraction Made of Pennies, Is Sagging | journal=Associated Press| pages=Domestic News | date=August 29, 1996 ]The sculpture took a beating from children who climbed on it and vandals who pried off chunks of coins. In 1982, the city coated it with a defensive layer of epoxy and Beauchamp painted it to make it look "normal statuary green."cite journal | last= | first= | title=Domestic News| journal=United Press International| pages= | date=February 12, 1982 ] "All those pennies don't do wonders for hiscomplexion. But there are plenty of young adults in Philadelphia today who canremember donating their pennies to the cause," the "Inquirer" wrote.cite journal | last=Charlene| first=Mires| title=Franklin, Philly's Man About Town | journal=Philadelphia Inquirer, as published in the Orlando Sentinel| pages=Travel, H1 | date=July 1, 1990 ]
Over a quarter-century, the work deteriorated, "began to lean precariously and became a hazard to pedestrians." Firefighters from the firehouse next door eventually tied ropes around the sculpture to keep it from toppling over.cite journal | title=People, places & things in the news | journal=AP, as published in [http://archive.southcoasttoday.com/daily/08-96/08-30-96/a04wn024.htm#cut South Coast Today] | date=August 30, 1996 Photo of sagging "Penny Franklin."] In August 1996, it was removed and placed in a municipal warehouse in South Philadelphia. City officials contemplated restoring it, but the cost, estimated in the tens of thousands of dollars, was deemed prohibitive. "I've done a lot of things for this city, but that was my favorite," Beauchamp said.
The sculpture was replaced in October 2007 by "Keys To Community," a bronze sculpture by
James Peniston , who echoed Beauchamp's work by sculpting a bust of Franklin and covering it with casts of keys collected from neighborhood schoolchildren.cite web |url=http://www.jepsculpture.com/benfranklin.shtml |title="Keys To Community," James Peniston Sculpture|accessdate=2008-03-04]Family
Beauchamp's wife of 64 years, Elizabeth Sarah "Betty" Beauchamp, died January 9, 1999, of leukemia. She had helped create many of his public art works. An obituary noted:
"In her earlier years, the former Elizabeth Brown worked for the Curtis Publishing Co. in the subscription department. Because the company would not employ married women, she and her future husband drove about 100 miles to Pottsville to be married. She kept her name out of the license columns of the Philadelphia newspapers and kept her marital status secret until she left Curtis to raise a family."cite journal | last=Nicholsons| first=Jim| title=Francis J. Dunphy Sr., Retired From Inquirer | journal=The Philadelphia Daily News| pages=Local, p.24 | date=January 12, 1999 ]
The Beauchamps had two sons, Ronald and Roy; and a daughter, Irene B. Brooks.
External links
* [http://www.phillyhistory.org/PhotoArchive/Detail.aspx?assetId=1884&tab=Information Photo of "Penny Franklin" sculpture, May 11, 1977] , PhillyHistory.org.
*Location of "Whispering Bells of Freedom": Coord|39.953116|-75.151656
* [http://www.philart.net/artist.php?id=15 Beauchamp's entry] at Philadelphia Public Art@philart.net.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.