List of Rubiaceae genera

List of Rubiaceae genera

Full list of the genera in the madder family (Rubiaceae)

* "Acranthera" Arn. ex Meisn.
* "Acrobotrys" K.Schum. & K.Krause
* "Acunaeanthus" Borhidi, Komlodi & Moncada
* "Adina" Salisb.
* "Adinauclea" Ridsdale
* "Agathisanthemum" Klotzsch
* "Aidia" Lour.
* "Aidiopsis" Tirveng.
* "Airosperma" K.Schum. & Lauterb.
* "Aitchisonia" Hemsl. ex Aitch.
* "Alberta" E.Mey.
* "Aleisanthia" Ridl.
* "Alibertia" A.Rich. ex DC.
* "Allaeophania" Thwaites
* "Alleizettella" Pit.
* "Allenanthus" Standl.
* "Alseis" Schott
* "Amaioua" Aubl.
* "Amaracarpus" Blume
* "Amphiasma" Bremek.
* "Amphidasya" Standl.
* "Ancylanthos" Desf.
* "Anomanthodia" Hook.f.
* "Antherostele" Bremek.
* "Anthorrhiza" C.R.Huxley & Jebb
* "Anthospermum" L.
* "Antirhea" Comm. ex Juss.
* "Aoranthe" Somers
* "Aphaenandra" Miq.
* "Aphanocarpus" Steyerm.
* "Appunia" Hook.f.
* "Arachnothryx" Planch.
* "Arcytophyllum" Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f.
* "Argocoffeopsis" Lebrun
* "Argostemma" Wall.
* "Ariadne" Urb.
* "Asemnantha" Hook.f.
* X Asperugalium E.Fourn.
* "Asperula" L.
* "Astiella" Jovet
* "Atractocarpus" Schltr. & K.Krause
* "Atractogyne" Pierre
* "Augusta" Pohl
* "Aulacocalyx" Hook.f.
* "Badusa" A.Gray
* "Balmea" Martinez
* "Bancalus" Kuntze.
* "Bathysa" C.Presl
* "Batopedina" Verdc.
* "Becheria" Ridl.
* "Belonophora" Hook.f.
* "Benkara" Adans.
* "Benzonia" Schumach.
* "Berghesia" Nees
* "Bertiera" Aubl.
* "Bikkia" Reinw.
* "Blandibractea" Wernham
* "Blepharidium" Standl.
* "Bobea" Gaudich.
* "Boholia" Merr.
* "Borojoa" Cuatrec.
* "Bothriospora" Hook.f.
* "Botryarrhena" Ducke
* "Bouvardia" Salisb.
* "Brachytome" Hook.f.
* "Bradea" Standl. ex Brade
* "Brenania" Keay
* "Breonadia" Ridsdale
* "Breonia" A.Rich. ex DC.
* "Burchellia" R.Br.
* "Burttdavya" Hoyle
* "Byrsophyllum" Hook.f.
* "Calanda" K.Schum.
* "Callipeltis" Steven
* "Calochone" Keay
* "Calycophyllum" DC.
* "Calycosia" A.Gray
* "Calycosiphonia" Pierre ex Robbr.
* "Canephora" Juss.
* "Canthium" Lam.
* "Capirona" Spruce
* "Captaincookia" N.Halle
* "Carpacoce" Sond.
* "Carphalea" Juss.
* "Carterella" Terrell
* "Casasia" A.Rich.
* "Catesbaea" L.
* "Catunaregam" Wolf
* "Cephalanthus" L.
* "Cephalodendron" Steyerm.
* "Ceratopyxis" Hook.f.
* "Ceriscoides" (Hook.f.) Tirveng.
* "Ceuthocarpus" Aiello
* "Chaetostachydium" Airy Shaw
* "Chalepophyllum" Hook.f.
* "Chamaepentas" Bremek.
* "Chapelieria" A.Rich. ex DC.
* "Chassalia" Comm. ex Poir.
* "Chazaliella" E.Petit & Verdc.
* "Chimarrhis" Jacq.
* "Chiococca" P.Browne
* "Chione" DC.
* "Chomelia" Jacq.
* "Choulettia" Pomel
* "Cigarrilla" Aiello
* "Cinchona" L.
* "Cladoceras" Bremek.
* "Clarkella" Hook.f.
* "Coccochondra" Rauschert
* "Coccocypselum" P.Browne
* "Codaria" Kuntze = Lerchea L.
* "Coddia" Verdc.
* "Coelopyrena" Valeton
* "Coelospermum" Blume
* "Coffea" L.
* "Coleactina" N.Halle
* "Colletoecema" E.Petit
* "Commitheca" Bremek.
* "Condaminea" DC.
* "Conostomium" (Stapf) Cufod.
* "Conotrichia" A.Rich. = Manettia L.
* "Coprosma" J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
* "Coptophyllum" Korth.
* "Coptosapelta" Korth.
* "Corynanthe" Welw.
* "Coryphothamnus" Steyerm.
* "Cosmibuena" Ruiz & Pav.
* "Cosmocalyx" Standl.
* "Coupoui" Aubl. = Duroia L.f.
* "Coussarea" Aubl.
* "Coutaportla" Urb.
* "Coutarea" Aubl.
* "Cowiea" Wernham
* "Craterispermum" Benth.
* "Cremaspora" Benth.
* "Cremocarpon" Baill.
* "Crobylanthe" Bremek.
* "Crocyllis" E.Mey. ex Hook.f.
* "Crossopteryx" Fenzl
* "Crucianella" L.
* "Cruciata" Mill.
* "Cruckshanksia" Hook. & Arn.
* "Crusea" Cham. & Schltdl.
* "Cuatrecasasiodendron" Standl. & Steyerm.
* "Cubanola" Aiello
* "Cuviera" DC.
* "Cyclophyllum" Hook.f.
* "Damnacanthus" C.F.Gaertn.
* "Danais" Comm. ex Vent.
* "Deccania" Tirveng.
* "Declieuxia" Kunth
* "Dendrosipanea" Ducke
* "Dentella" J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
* "Deppea" Cham. & Schltdl.
* "Diacrodon" Sprague
* "Dialypetalanthus" Kuhlm.
* "Dibrachionostylus" Bremek.
* "Dichilanthe" Thwaites
* "Dictyandra" Welw. ex Hook.f.
* "Didymaea" Hook.f.
* "Didymochlamys" Hook.f.
* "Didymoecium" Bremek.
* "Didymopogon" Bremek.
* "Didymosalpinx" Keay
* "Diodia" L.
* "Dioecrescis" Tirveng.
* "Dioicodendron" Steyerm.
* "Diplospora" DC.
* "Discospermum" Dalzell
* "Diyaminauclea" Ridsdale
* "Dolichodelphys" K.Schum. & K.Krause
* "Dolicholobium" A.Gray
* "Dolichometra" K.Schum.
* "Doricera" Verdc.
* "Duidania" Standl.
* "Dunnia" Tutcher
* "Duperrea" Pierre ex Pit.
* "Duroia" L.f.
* "Durringtonia" R.J.F.Hend. & Guymer
* "Ecpoma" K.Schum.
* "Eizia" Standl.
* "Elaeagia" Wedd.
* "Eleuthranthes" F.Muell.
* "Emmenopterys" Oliv.
* "Emmeorhiza" Pohl ex Endl.
* "Eosanthe" Urb.
* "Eriosemopsis" Robyns
* "Erithalis" P.Browne
* "Ernodea" Sw.
* "Etericius" Desv.
* "Euclinia" Salisb.
* "Exostema" (Pers.) Humb. & Bonpl.
* "Fadogia" Schweinf.
* "Fadogiella" Robyns
* "Fagerlindia" Tirveng.
* "Faramea" Aubl.
* "Ferdinandusa" Pohl
* "Feretia" Delile
* "Fergusonia" Hook.f.
* "Fernelia" Comm. ex Lam.
* "Flagenium" Baill.
* "Flexanthera" Rusby
* "Gaertnera" Lam.
* X "Galiasperula" Ronniger
* "Galiniera" Delile
* "Galium" L.
* "Gallienia" Dubard & Dop
* "Galopina" Thunb.
* "Gardenia" Ellis
* "Gardeniopsis" Miq.
* "Genipa" L.
* "Gentingia" J.T.Johanss. & K.M.Wong
* "Geophila" D.Don
* "Gilipus" Raf.
* "Gillespiea" A.C.Sm.
* "Gleasonia" Standl.
* "Glionnetia" Tirveng.
* "Glossostipula" Lorence
* "Gomphocalyx" Baker
* "Gonzalagunia" Ruiz & Pav.
* "Gouldia" A.Gray
* "Greenea" Wight & Arn.
* "Greeniopsis" Merr.
* "Guettarda" L.
* "Gynochthodes" Blume
* "Gynopachis" Blume
* "Gyrostipula" J.-F.Leroy
* "Habroneuron" Standl.
* "Haldina" Ridsdale
* "Hallea" J.-F.Leroy
* "Hamelia" Jacq.
* "Hayataella" Masam.
* "Hedstromia" A.C.Sm.
* "Hedyotis" L.
* "Hedythyrsus" Bremek.
* "Heinsenia" K.Schum.
* "Heinsia" DC.
* "Hekistocarpa" Hook.f.
* "Henlea" H.Karst.
* "Henriquezia" Spruce ex Benth.
* "Heterophyllaea" Hook.f.
* "Hillia" Jacq.
* "Himalrandia" T.Yamaz.
* "Hindsia" Benth. ex Lindl.
* "Hintonia" Bullock
* "Hippotis" Ruiz & Pav.
* "Hitoa" Nadeaud = Ixora L.
* "Hodgkinsonia" F.Muell.
* "Hoffmannia" Sw.
* "Holstianthus" Steyerm.
* "Homollea" Arenes
* "Homolliella" Arenes
* "Hondbessen" Adans.
* "Houstonia" L.
* "Hutchinsonia" Robyns
* "Hydnophytum" Jack
* "Hydrophylax" L.f.
* "Hymenocnemis" Hook.f.
* "Hymenocoleus" Robbr.
* "Hymenodictyon" Wall.
* "Hyperacanthus" E.Mey. ex Bridson
* "Hypobathrum" Blume
* "Hyptianthera" Wight & Arn.
* "Indopolysolenia" Bennet
* "Isertia" Schreb.
* "Isidorea" A.Rich. ex DC.
* "Ixora" L.
* "Jackiopsis" Ridsdale
* "Janotia" J.-F.Leroy
* "Jaubertia" Guill.
* "Javorkaea" Borhidi & Komlodi
* "Joosia" H.Karst.
* "Jovetia" Guedes
* "Kailarsenia" Tirveng.
* "Kajewskiella" Merr. & Perry
* "Keenania" Hook.f.
* "Keetia" E.Phillips
* "Kelloggia" Torr. ex Benth.
* "Kerianthera" J.H.Kirkbr.
* "Khasiaclunea" Ridsdale
* "Klossia" Ridl.
* "Knoxia" L.
* "Kochummenia" K.M.Wong
* "Kohautia" Cham. & Schltdl.
* "Kraussia" Harv.
* "Kutchubaea" Fisch. ex DC.
* "Ladenbergia" Klotzsch
* "Lagynias" E.Mey. ex Robyns
* "Lamprothamnus" Hiern
* "Lasianthus" Jack
* "Lathraeocarpa" Bremek.
* "Lecananthus" Jack
* "Lecariocalyx" Bremek.
* "Lelya" Bremek.
* "Lemyrea" (A.Chev.) A.Chev. & Beille
* "Lepidostoma" Bremek.
* "Leptactina" Hook.f.
* "Leptodermis" Wall.
* "Leptomischus" Drake
* "Leptoscela" Hook.f.
* "Leptostigma" Arn.
* "Leptunis" Steven
* "Lerchea" L.
* "Leroya" Cavaco
* "Leucocodon" Gardner
* "Leucolophus" Bremek.
* "Limnosipanea" Hook.f.
* "Lindenia" Benth.
* "Litosanthes" Blume
* "Lucinaea" DC.
* "Luculia" Sweet
* "Lucya" DC.
* "Ludekia' Ridsdale
* "Macbrideina" Standl.
* "Machaonia" Bonpl.
* "Macrocnemum" P.Browne
* "Macrosphyra" Hook.f.
* "Maguireocharis" Steyerm.
* "Maguireothamnus" Steyerm.
* "Malanea" Aubl.
* "Manettia" L.
* "Manostachya" Bremek.
* "Mantalania" Capuron ex J.-F.Leroy
* "Margaritopsis" Sauvalle
* "Maschalocorymbus" Bremek.
* "Maschalodesme" K.Schum. & Lauterb.
* "Massularia" (K.Schum.) Hoyle
* "Mastixiodendron" Melch.
* "Mazaea" Krug & Urb.
* "Melanopsidium" Colla
* "Menestoria" DC.
* "Mericarpaea" Boiss.
* "Merumea" Steyerm.
* "Metadina" Bakh.f.
* "Meyna" Roxb. ex Link
* "Micrasepalum" Urb.
* "Microphysa" Schrenk
* "Mitchella" L.
* "Mitracarpus" Zucc.
* "Mitragyna" Korth.
* "Mitrasacmopsis" Jovet
* "Mitriostigma" Hochst.
* "Molopanthera" Turcz.
* "Monosalpinx" N.Halle
* "Montamans" Dwyer
* "Morelia" A.Rich. ex DC.
* "Morierina" Vieill.
* "Morinda" L.
* "Morindopsis" Hook.f.
* "Motleyia" J.T.Johanss.
* "Mouretia" Pit.
* "Multidentia" Gilli
* "Mussaenda" L.
* "Mussaendopsis" Baill.
* "Mycetia" Reinw.
* "Myonima" Comm. ex Juss.
* "Myrioneuron" R.Br. ex Hook.
* "Myrmecodia" Jack
* "Myrmeconauclea" Merr.
* "Myrmephytum" Becc.
* "Nargedia" Bedd.
* "Nauclea" L.
* "Neanotis" W.H.Lewis
* "Neblinathamnus" Steyerm.
* "Nematostylis" Hook.f.
* "Nenax" Gaertn.
* "Neobertiera" Wernham
* "Neoblakea" Standl.
* "Neobreonia" Ridsdale
* "Neofranciella" Guillaumin
* "Neogaillonia" Lincz.
* "Neohymenopogon" Bennet
* "Neolamarckia" Bosser
* "Neolaugeria" Nicolson
* "Neoleroya" Cavaco
* "Neonauclea" Merr.
* "Neopentanisia" Verdc.
* "Nernstia" Urb.
* "Nertera" Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.
* "Nesohedyotis" (Hook.f.) Bremek.
* "Neurocalyx" Hook.
* "Nichallea" Bridson
* "Nodocarpaea" A.Gray
* "Normandia" Hook.f.
* "Nostolachma" T.Durand
* "Ochreinauclea" Ridsdale & Bakh.f.
* "Octotropis" Bedd.
* "Oldenlandia" L.
* "Oldenlandiopsis" Terrell & W.H.Lewis
* "Oligocodon" Keay
* "Omiltemia" Standl.
* "Opercularia" Gaertn.
* "Ophiorrhiza" L.
* "Ophryococcus" Oerst.
* "Oregandra" Standl.
* "Osa" Aiello
* "Otiophora" Zucc.
* "Otocalyx" Brandegee
* "Otomeria" Benth.
* "Ottoschmidtia" Urb.
* "Oxyanthus" DC.
* "Oxyceros" Lour.
* "Pachystigma" Hochst.
* "Pachystylus" K.Schum.
* "Paederia" L.
* "Pagamea" Aubl.
* "Pagameopsis" Steyerm.
* "Palicourea" Aubl.
* "Pamplethantha" Bremek.
* "Paracephaelis" Baill.
* "Parachimarrhis" Ducke
* "Paracorynanthe" Capuron
* "Paragenipa" Baill.
* "Paraknoxia" Bremek.
* "Parapentas" Bremek.
* "Paratriaina" Bremek.
* "Pauridiantha" Hook.f.
* "Pausinystalia" Pierre ex Beille
* "Pavetta" L.
* "Payera" Baill.
* "Pelagodendron" Seem.
* "Pentagonia" Benth.
* "Pentaloncha" Hook.f.
* "Pentanisia" Harv.
* "Pentanopsis" Rendle
* "Pentas" Benth.
* "Pentodon" Hochst.
* "Peponidium" (Baill.) Arenes
* "Perakanthus" Robyns
* "Perama" Aubl.
* "Peratanthe" Urb.
* "Peripeplus" Pierre
* "Pertusadina" Ridsdale
* "Petitiocodon" Robbr.
* "Phellocalyx" Bridson
* "Phialanthus" Griseb.
* "Phitopis" Hook.f.
* "Phuopsis" (Griseb.) Hook.f.
* "Phyllacanthus" Hook.f.
* "Phyllis" L.
* "Phyllocrater" Wernham
* "Phyllomelia" Griseb.
* "Phylohydrax" Puff
* "Picardaea" Urb.
* "Pimentelia" Wedd.
* "Pinarophyllon" Brandegee
* "Pinckneya" Michx.
* "Pittoniotis" Griseb.
* "Placocarpa" Hook.f.
* "Placopoda" Balf.f.
* "Platycarpum" Bonpl.
* "Plectroniella" Robyns
* "Pleiocarpidia" K.Schum.
* "Pleiocoryne" Rauschert
* "Pleiocraterium" Bremek.
* "Plocama" Aiton
* "Plocaniophyllon" Brandegee
* "Poecilocalyx" Bremek.
* "Pogonolobus" F.Muell.
* "Pogonopus" Klotzsch
* "Polysphaeria" Hook.f.
*"Polyura" Hook.f.
* "Pomax" Sol. ex DC.
* "Porterandia" Ridl.
* "Portlandia" P.Browne
* "Posoqueria" Aubl.
* "Pouchetia" A.Rich.
* "Praravinia" Korth.
* "Pravinaria" Bremek.
* "Preussiodora" Keay
* "Prismatomeris" Thwaites
* "Proscephaleium" Korth.
* "Psathura" Comm. ex Juss.
* "Pseudaidia" Tirveng.
* "Pseudogaillonia" Lincz.
* "Pseudogardenia" Keay
* "Pseudohamelia" Wernham
* "Pseudomantalania" J.-F.Leroy
* "Pseudomussaenda" Wernham
* "Pseudonesohedyotis" Tennant
* "Pseudopyxis" Miq.
* "Pseudosabicea" N.Halle
* "Psilanthus" Hook.f.
* "Psychotria" L.
* "Psydrax" Gaertn.
* "Psyllocarpus" Mart. & Zucc.
* "Pteridocalyx" Wernham
* "Pterogaillonia" Lincz.
* "Pubistylus" Thoth.
* "Putoria" Pers.
* "Pygmaeothamnus" Robyns
* "Pyragra" Bremek.
* "Pyrostria" Comm. ex Juss.
* "Ramosmania" Tirveng. & Verdc.
* "Randia" L.
* "Raritebe" Wernham
* "Ravnia" Oerst.
* "Readea" Gillespie
* "Relbunium" (Endl.) Hook.f.
* "Remijia" DC.
* "Rennellia" Korth.
* "Retiniphyllum" Bonpl.
* "Rhachicallis" DC.
* "Rhadinopus" S.Moore
* "Rhaphidura" Bremek.
* "Rhipidantha" Bremek.
* "Rhopalobrachium" Schltr. & K.Krause
* "Richardia" L.
* "Riqueuria" Ruiz & Pav.
* "Robynsia" Hutch.
* "Rogiera" Planch.
* "Roigella" Borhidi & M.Fernandez Zeq.
* "Rondeletia" L.
* "Rothmannia" Thunb.
* "Rubia" L.
* "Rudgea" Salisb.
* "Rustia" Klotzsch
* "Rutidea" DC.
* "Rytigynia" Blume
* "Sabicea" Aubl.
* "Sacosperma" G.Taylor
* "Saldinia" A.Rich. ex DC.
* "Salzmannia" DC.
* "Saprosma" Blume
* "Sarcocephalus" Afzel. ex Sabine
* "Sarcopygme" Setch. & Christoph.
* "Schachtia" H.Karst.
* "Schismatoclada" Baker
* "Schizenterospermum" Homolle ex Arenes
* "Schizocalyx" Wedd.
* "Schizocolea" Bremek.
* "Schizostigma" Arn. ex Meisn.
* "Schmidtottia" Urb.
* "Schradera" Vahl
* "Schumanniophyton" Harms
* "Schwendenera" K.Schum.
* "Scolosanthus" Vahl
* "Scyphiphora" C.F.Gaertn.
* "Scyphochlamys" Balf.f.
* "Scyphostachys" Thwaites
* "Sericanthe" Robbr.
* "Serissa" Comm. ex Juss.
* "Shaferocharis" Urb.
* "Sherardia" L.
* "Sherbournia" G.Don
* "Siderobombyx" Bremek.
* "Siemensia" Urb.
* "Simira" Aubl.
* "Sinoadina" Ridsdale
* "Sipanea" Aubl.
* "Sipaneopsis" Steyerm.
* "Siphonandrium" K.Schum.
* "Sommera" Schltdl.
* "Spathichlamys" R.Parker
* "Spermacoce" L.
* "Spermadictyon" Roxb.
* "Sphinctanthus" Benth.
* "Spiradiclis" Blume
* "Squamellaria" Becc.
* "Stachyarrhena" Hook.f.
* "Stachyococcus" Standl.
* "Staelia" Cham. & Schltdl.
* "Standleya" Brade
* "Steenisia" Bakh.f.
* "Stelechantha" Bremek.
* "Stephanococcus" Bremek.
* "Stevensia" Poit.
* "Steyermarkia" Standl.
* "Stichianthus" Valeton
* "Stilpnophyllum" Hook.f.
* "Stipularia" P.Beauv.
* "Stomandra" Standl.
* "Streblosa" Korth.
* "Streblosiopsis" Valeton
* "Striolaria" Ducke
* "Strumpfia" Jacq.
* "Stylosiphonia" Brandegee
* "Suberanthus" Borhidi & M.Fernandez Zeq.
* "Sukunia" A.C.Sm.
* "Sulitia" Merr.
* "Synaptantha" Hook.f.
* "Syringantha" Standl.
* "Tamilnadia" Tirveng. & Sastre
* "Tammsia" H.Karst.
* "Tapiphyllum" Robyns
* "Tarenna" Gaertn.
* "Tarennoidea" Tirveng. & Sastre
* "Temnocalyx" Robyns
* "Temnopteryx" Hook.f.
* "Tennantia" Verdc.
* "Thecorchus" Bremek.
* "Theligonum" L.
* "Thogsennia" Aiello
* "Thyridocalyx" Bremek.
* "Timonius" DC.
* "Tobagoa" Urb.
* "Tocoyena" Aubl.
* "Tortuella" Urb.
* "Trailliaedoxa" W.W.Sm. & Forrest
* "Tresanthera" H.Karst.
* "Triainolepis" Hook.f.
* "Tricalysia" A.Rich. ex DC.
* "Trichostachys" Hook.f.
* "Trukia" Kaneh.
* "Tsiangia" But, H.H.Hsue & P.T.Li
* "Ucriana" Willd.
* "Uncaria" Schreb.
* "Urophyllum" Wall.
* "Valantia" L.
* "Vangueria" Comm. ex Juss.
* "Vangueriella" Verdc.
* "Vangueriopsis" Robyns
* "Versteegia" Valeton
* "Villaria" Rolfe
* "Virectaria" Bremek.
* "Warszewiczia" Klotzsch
* "Webera" Cramer
* "Wendlandia" Bartl. ex DC.
* "Wernhamia" S.Moore
* "Wiasemskya" Klotzsch
* "Wittmackanthus" Kuntze
* "Xanthophytum" Reinw. ex Blume
* "Xantonnea" Pierre ex Pit.
* "Xantonneopsis" Pit.
* "Yutajea" Steyerm.
* "Zuccarinia" Blume

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  • List of culinary fruits — This list of culinary fruits contains the names of some fruits that are considered edible in some cuisines. The definition of fruit for these lists is a culinary fruit, i.e. Any sweet, edible part of a plant that resembles fruit, even if it does… …   Wikipedia

  • List of major tree genera — The major tree genera are listed below. Flowering plants (Magnoliophyta; angiosperms) Dicotyledons (Magnoliopsida; broadleaf or hardwood trees)* Adoxaceae (Moschatel family) ** Moschatel, Adoxa moschatellina ** Elderberry, Sambucus species **… …   Wikipedia

  • List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family — The following is a list of trees and shrubs of high notoriety. Taxonomic families for the following trees and shrubs are listed in alphabetical order, likewise the genera and closely related species.=GYMNOSPERMS= =CONIFERS= Araucariaceae: The… …   Wikipedia

  • List of wort plants — This is an alphabetical listing of wort plants, meaning plants that employ the syllable wort in their English language common names. According to the Oxford English Dictionary s Ask Oxford site, A word with the suffix wort is often very old. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Cosmocalyx — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots …   Wikipedia

  • Роды цветковых растений — Приложение к статье Цветковые растения Ниже приведён список действительных названий родов цветковых (покрытосеменных) растений, включённых в базу данных The Plant List, открытую в декабре 2010 года как совместный энциклопедический интернет проект …   Википедия

  • Neonauclea — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots …   Wikipedia

  • Chione (plant genus) — Chione Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): Eudicots …   Wikipedia

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