

Infobox River | river_name = Vilaine

caption = The Vilaine in Vitré, Ille-et-Vilaine.
origin = Brittany
mouth = Atlantic Ocean
coord|47|30|20|N|2|29|57|W|name=Atlantic Ocean-Vilaine|display=inline,title
basin_countries = France
length = 218 km
elevation = 153 m
discharge = 80 m³/s
watershed = 10,882 km²
The Vilaine ( _br. Gwilen) is a river in Brittany, in the west of France. The river's source is in the Mayenne "département" (53), and flows out in the Atlantic Ocean at Pénestin in the Morbihan "département" (56). It is 218 km long. The river is joined to the Rance by means of the Ille-Rance Canal by the commune of Évran.

Course of the river

The river passes through 4 "départements" (Mayenne, Ille-et-Vilaine, Loire-Atlantique and Morbihan) and 4 main towns (Rennes, Vitré, Redon and La Roche-Bernard).

Three barrages were built around Vitré, Ille-et-Vilaine to avoid floods, the drinkable water and leisure spaces:

* 1978 Valière barrage
* 1982 Haute-Vilaine barrage
* 1995 Villaumur barrage


The river has a flow ranging between 2 and 1500 m3/s


The Vilaine is part of Brittany's canal system. The section from Rennes to the Atlantic Ocean is navigable for smaller craft. In Rennes the river connects to the Canal d'Ille et Rance, in Redon it crosses the Canal de Nantes à Brest. (Source: [ NoorderSoft Waterways Database)]

Main tributaries

* Ille - Vaunoise
* Seiche
* Oust
* Isaac


* [ The Vilaine at the Sandre database]

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