- Linckia
image_caption = "Linckia multifora"
name = "Linckia"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Echinodermata
classis =Asteroidea
ordo =Valvatida
familia =Ophidiasteridae
genus = "Linckia"
genus_authority = Nardo, 1834"Linckia" is a genus of
starfish . They are found mainly in theIndo-Pacific region.They are known to be creatures with remarkable regenerative power, capable of defensiveautotomy against predators and may reproduce asexually.The genus is named after the German naturalist
Johann Heinrich Linck (1674–1734).ystematics
Five groups within "Linckia" have been clearly genetically differentiated - "L. columbiae", "L. bouvieri", two clades within "L. guildingi", and one clade with two sub-clades consisting of both "L. laevigata" and "L. multifora" [Williams, S.T., Species boundaries in the starfish genus Linckia. Marine Biology, Vol 136, No 1, p.137-148 (2000)] .A list of species of "Linckia" [ [http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=178186 MarineSpecies.org - Linckia Nardo, 1834 ] ] :
Linckia bouvieri "
*"Linckia columbiae "
*"Linckia ehrenbergii "
*"Linckia guildingii " (="Linckia diplax")
*"Linckia hypnicola "
*"Linckia hystrix "
*"Linckia multifora "
*"Linckia laevigata " (="Linckia miliaris")
*"Linckia nodosa "
*"Linckia purpurea "References
* [http://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=157047 ITIS taxonomic information about "Linckia"]
* [http://www.hawaiisfishes.com/books/hawaiis_sea_creatures/creaturebook.htm Hawaii's Sea Creatures] (info from hard-copy book)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.