

Net-poetry is a development of, involving poetry. This kind of experimental art was born in several different cities around 1995.


Short History

Authors (1998) is the first Italian net-poetry project; participants included historical performance artists, visual poets, theorists, sound poets, literary and art critics, such as: Caterina Davinio, Julien Blaine, Clemente Padin, Philadelpho Menezes, Mirella Bentivoglio, Eugenio Miccini, Lamberto Pignotti, Tomaso Binga, Massimo Mori, Francesco Muzzioli, Marco Maria Gazzano, and new media artists.[1] collaborated in participative projects in the context of the Venice Biennale.

Net-poetry at the 49th Venice Biennale, 2001

A Net-poetry event (the on-line happening "Parallel-Action-Bunker") was featured in the Biennale di Venezia in 2001 - Harald Szeemann curator –; it was produced and curated by the digital artist and poet Caterina Davinio in the context of Bunker Poetico, a collaborative installation by the artist Marco Nereo Rotelli which involved 1.000 international poets.[2] The virtual happening on-line “Azione-Parellala-Bunker" (Parallel Action-Bunker) was simultaneous with real performances at Orsogrill delle Artiglierie, a real space of the Venice Biennale.[3] With this event, a relationships was created among real and virtual poetry events, a new connective and collective network of poetry, based on communication, and similar to some events and happening by Fluxus, e-mail art and relational art.

Other Net-Poetry events

Other net-poetry events, created by Davinio in collaboration with international artists and poets, were:

  • Global Poetry (21–27 March 2002): a multi-located event with simultaneous performances, screenings and poetry readings in Italia, USA, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Russia, Germany, France and other countries. 122 poets and artists were involved and web sites and video documents were created. In October 2003 this project was published on the official web site of the 50th Venice Biennale, in the context of the on-line exhibition BlogWork-The NetWork is the ArtWork (project curated by ASAC, Venice). "Global Poetry" was also included in the Rhizome database (NYC – USA).
  • GATES (July 4 – December 31, 2003) was a net-poetry event created by Caterina Davinio and dedicated to Pierre Restany. 150 international artists were involved in a multi-located performance, with installations, screenings and poetry readings in Italia, USA, Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay, Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Morocco, and in other countries. In October 2003 GATES was featured in the official web site of the 50th Venice Biennale, in the on-line project BlogWork-The NetWork is the ArtWork (50th Venice Biennale – ASAC).[4][5][6]
  • Virtual Island was a net-poetry happening on-line, created by Caterina Davinio in 2005; it was included in Isola della Poesia, a collateral exhibition of the 51st Venice Biennale. 500 poets were involved. Isola della poesia was a real installation by the artist and architect Marco Nereo Rotelli on San Secondo Island, in Venice. This event in Venice was curated by the art critic Achille Bonito Oliva. The real installation had a simultaneous virtual space on-line called Virtual Island, created by Caterina Davinio in collaboration with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica),[7][8] where poets from around the world could write poems during the Venice Biennale. The participants included emerging and established poets, such as Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Fernanda Pivano, Adunis.[9] The opening of the exhibition "Isola della poesia" - with poetry readings by international poets - was organized on board of the ship "Il Doge", which navigated in the Venice Lagoon during the Venice Biennale opening (video document).

Poetry Hypertext and Interactive Environment on Line

Other pioneer artists created a different kind of net-poetry, as interactive environment on line including animated text and digital poetry: Ana Maria Uribe, Reiner Strasser (interactive video-sound poetry), Jim Andrews ( Other artists intend net-poetry as interactive hypertext poetry/narration that can be adapted for Internet, among them: Deena Larsen (Marble Spring, interctive poetry hypertext in CD ROM, 1993, Disappearing Rein, 1999), Robert Kendall (Frame Work, 1999, a Study in Shades, 2000), Mendi Obadike (Keeping Up Appearances, a hypertextimonial, 2001) and others. Some artists consider net-poetry simply digital poetry published on line or specifically created for the Internet.

See also

External links


  1. ^ Caterina Davinio, Techno-Poesia e realtà virtuali (Techno-Poetry and Virtual Reality), ibid.
  2. ^ Marco Nereo Rotelli, Bunker poetico, La poesia come opera, 49ma Esposizione internazionale d'arte La Biennale di Venezia, Porretta Terme (BO), I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro, 2001 ISBN 88-86861-49-4, p. 245
  3. ^ "Parallel Action-Bunker". Archived from the original on 2009-10-26. 
  4. ^ "Premio Oscar Signorini 2003", interview by Silvia Venuti, in: "D'Ars", anno 43, n. 175-176, Milan, Dec. 2003, ISSN 0011-6726 p. 95
  5. ^ "Arte contemporanea Lombardia homepage" (in italian). Retrieved 17 November 2010. 
  6. ^ "Gates" (in italian). 
  7. ^ La Biennale di Venezia, 51ma esposizione internazionale d'arte, Partecipazioni nazionali - Eventi nell'ambito, catalogo Marsilio, ISBN 88-317-8800-0, p 177
  8. ^ Isola della Poesia - La Repubblica News
  9. ^ Virtual Island


  • Caterina Davinio, Techno-Poesia e realtà virtuali" (Techno-Poetry and Virtual Realities), essay (Italian-English). Preface by Eugenio Miccini. Collection: Achivio della poesia del '900. Mantova (I), Sometti Publisher, 2002. ISBN 88-88091-85-8
  • AAVV, Atti del Convegno Scritture/Realtà, Milano, Milanocosa, 2002.
  • Marco Nereo Rotelli, Bunker poetico, La poesia come opera, 49ma Esposizione internazionale d'arte La Biennale di Venezia, Porretta Terme (BO), I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro, 2001. ISBN 88-86861-49-4
  • 49ma Esposizione internazionale d'arte Platea dell'umanità, La Biennale di Venezia, catalogue, Electa 2001
  • La Biennale di Venezia, 51ma esposizione internazionale d'arte, Partecipazioni nazionali - Eventi nell'ambito, catalogo Marsilio, ISBN 88-317-8800-0
  • "Infos Brésil", 15 nov. - 15 déc. 2003 ISSN 0980
  • Caterina Davinio, "Net-Performance: Processes and Visible Form", in "Doc(k)s", Ajaccio, France, 2004. ISSN Doc(k)s 0396/3004, commission paritaire 52 841
  • Caterina Davinio, Paint from Nature, net-art performance dedicated to the Twin Tower attac. In "Doc(k)s", paper and CD, Ajaccio, France, 2001. ISSN Doc(k)s 0396/3004, commission paritaire 52 841
  • "Premio Oscar Signorini 2003", interview by Silvia Venuti, in: "D'Ars", anno 43, n. 175-176, Milan, Dec. 2003. ISSN 0011-6726

Web Sources

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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