Blue blazes — pl n intensifier: What the blue blazes are you doing? ; drove like blue blazes … Dictionary of Australian slang
blue blazes — Australian Slang pl n intensifier: What the blue blazes are you doing? ; drove like blue blazes … English dialects glossary
blue blazes — n. hell. □ You can go straight to blue blazes as far as I care. □ It’s as hot as blazes here … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
like blue blazes — American & Australian, old fashioned if someone or something does something like blue blazes, they do it a lot. This sweater itches like blue blazes … New idioms dictionary
hot as blue blazes — If something s as hot as blue blazes, it s extremely hot … The small dictionary of idiomes
hot as blue blazes — If something s as hot as blue blazes, it s extremely hot. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
(the) blue blazes — old fashioned, informal if you start a question with what/who/why etc. the blazes, you show that you are very surprised or angry about the thing you are asking about. What the blazes are they doing up on the roof? … New idioms dictionary
blue — 1 /blu:/ adjective 1 COLOUR the colour of the clear sky or of the sea on a fine day: the blue waters of the lake | a dark blue raincoat 2 SAD (not before noun) informal sad and without hope; depressed (1a): That song always makes me feel blue. 3… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
blue — /blu / (say blooh) noun 1. the pure hue of clear sky; deep azure (between green and violet in the spectrum). 2. Also, washing blue. a substance, as indigo, used to whiten clothes in laundering them. 3. a blue thing. 4. a person who wears blue, or …
blazes — /ˈbleɪzəz/ (say blayzuhz) Colloquial –plural noun 1. hell. –phrase 2. go to blazes, (an exclamation of dismissal, contempt, anger, etc.) 3. (in) the (blue) blazes, (an intensifier): *Well what the blazes do you want to come in here looking like… …