= Program Memory Area =


PCA: The Power Calibration Area is used to determine the correct power level for the laser.

PMA: The Program Memory Area of a CDRW is a record of the data recorded on an unfinished or unfinalized disc.
It is used as a transition TOC while the session is still open.
PMA records may contain information on up to 99 audio tracks and their start and stop times (CDDA),
or sector addresses for the start of data files for each session on a data CD.

PA: The Program Area contains the audio tracks or data files.

Each session on a multi-session disc has a corresponding lead-in, PMA, PA and lead-out.

When the session is closed TOC information in the PMA is written into a lead-in area and the PCA and PMAare logically eliminated.
The lead-out is created to mark the end of the data in the session.

SUA: The System User Area The PCA and the PMA grouped together are sometimes denoted as the System User Area.

External links

* [ PC Technology Guide]

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