

Adynaton (plural adynata) (from Greek: "a-": without and "dynasthai": to be powerful) is a figure of speech in the form of hyperbole taken to such extreme lengths as to suggest a complete impossibility:
*"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Book of Matthew 19:24
*"I will sooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand than he shall get one of his cheek" Shakespeare Henry IV, Part 2

Classical and Medieval usage

Adynaton was a widespread literary and rhetorical device during the Classical Period and was known in Latin as "impossibilia". A frequent usage was to refer to one highly unlikely event occurring "sooner" than another:

:"One can expect an agreement between philosophers sooner than between clocks." Seneca, "The Pumpkinification of Claudius".

However it largely fell into disuse during the Middle Ages before undergoing a minor revival in the works of romantic poets, who would boast of the power of their love, and how it could never end.

: "Together, we shall sooner see, I, & you, The Rhône tarry, & reverse its course, The Saône roil, & return to source, Than this my fire ever die down" Maurice Scève

Fiction, folklore and drama

Adynata are sometimes used within works of fiction or drama:

::"Part heat from fire, then, by that notion,"::"Part frost from snow, wet from the ocean!"::"Ask less!" Henrik Ibsen, "Brand"

Impossible tasks appears often in legends and folklore, such as the tale of "The Spinning-Woman by the Spring", and can form elements of ballads, riddles and proverbs.

Modern usage

Adynaton has survived to the modern age in several colourful examples:
* "Pigs might fly!"
* "Not before Hell freezes over!"

See also

* 'Pataphysics

References and further reading

* [ Dictionary of poetic terms Myers, J., Wukasch, D.]
* [ Some Notes on the Adynaton in Medieval Literature]
*Ronald Grambo, "Adynaton Symbols in Proverbs. A Few Fragmentary Remarks" (s. 40-42). "Proverbium 15". Helsinki 1970.
*Martti Haavio, "Omöjlighetssymboler i finsk epik" (s. 73-83). Sed och Sägen 1956.
*Henrik Ibsens Skrifter "Brand". Peer Gynt. Universitetet i Oslo. H. Aschehoug & Co. (William Nygaard). Oslo 2007. ISBN 82-03-19002-2.

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